نماز کے کل 14 فرائض ہیں ان میں سے 7 شرائط کہلاتے ہیں جو کہ نماز سے پہلے ہیں اور 7 ارکان کہلاتے ہیں جو کہ نماز کے اندر ہیں
نماز کے کل 14 فرائض ہیں
ان میں سے 7 شرائط کہلاتے ہیں جو کہ نماز سے پہلے ہیں
اور 7 ارکان کہلاتے ہیں جو کہ نماز کے اندر ہیں
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It should be noted that the cryptocurrency or digital currency that is prevalent in the global market today is a fictitious currency, it does not have the basic characteristics and conditions of real currency at all; Therefore, the business that is going on in the market in the name of buying and seRead more
It should be noted that the cryptocurrency or digital currency that is prevalent in the global market today is a fictitious currency, it does not have the basic characteristics and conditions of real currency at all; Therefore, the business that is going on in the market in the name of buying and selling crypto-currency is not halal and legitimate, this currency does not actually have a seller, i.e. a material thing, and it is not even possessed, only some calculations in the account. The number of comes; Therefore, cryptocurrency or digital currency transactions should be avoided
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