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  1. you  just establish the duhar prayet  if you miss the jumma prayer . But make sure that you have a velled reson for taht .like  you have illness etc So in this case the one who missed the jumma they  not became sinner

    you  just establish the duhar prayet  if you miss the jumma prayer .

    But make sure that you have a velled reson for taht .like  you have illness etc

    So in this case the one who missed the jumma they  not became sinner

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  1. In Islamic prayer (Salat), there are different components that make up the structure of the prayer. These components are categorized into three main categories: pillars (arkan), obligatory parts (wajibat), and Sunnah acts (sunnan). Here's a brief explanation of each: Pillars (Arkan): The pillars ofRead more

    In Islamic prayer (Salat), there are different components that make up the structure of the prayer. These components are categorized into three main categories: pillars (arkan), obligatory parts (wajibat), and Sunnah acts (sunnan). Here’s a brief explanation of each: Pillars (Arkan): The pillars of prayer are the essential and fundamental elements that must be performed for the prayer to be valid. If any of these pillars are omitted or performed incorrectly, the entire prayer becomes invalid, and it must be repeated. The number of pillars in each unit of prayer (Rak’ah) varies depending on the type of prayer (e.g., Fard, Sunnah, Witr). Examples of pillars include the standing, bowing (ruku), and prostration (sujood).Obligatory Parts (Wajibat): Obligatory parts are actions that are required for the validity of the prayer, but if they are missed or performed incorrectly, the prayer is still considered valid. However, it is highly recommended to perform these actions correctly to maintain the completeness of the prayer. Examples of obligatory parts include reciting Surah Al-Fatiha, sitting between the two prostrations, and the first Tashahhud.Sunnah Acts (Sunnan): Sunnah acts are recommended actions and practices that were consistently performed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during his prayers. While they are not obligatory, performing these acts brings extra rewards and holds special significance. Sunnah acts can include raising one’s hands during specific moments of prayer, reciting certain supplications, and performing additional prostrations known as Sujood as-Sahw (prostration of forgetfulness) when needed. The reason for categorizing prayer in this way is to provide a clear framework for Muslims to understand the essential elements of their worship. The pillars ensure the validity of the prayer, the obligatory parts add depth and structure to the prayer, and the Sunnah acts allow individuals to follow the example of the Prophet and enhance the spiritual experience of their worship. It’s important for Muslims to learn and practice these components correctly to fulfill their religious obligations and deepen their connection with Allah through prayer.

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  1. The Sunnah prayer before the Dhuhr (noon) prayer consists of four Rak'ahs (units of prayer). These Sunnah Mu'akkadah (emphasized) Rak'ahs are recommended and highly encouraged for Muslims to perform before the obligatory Dhuhr prayer. It is a practice that follows the example (Sunnah) of the ProphetRead more

    The Sunnah prayer before the Dhuhr (noon) prayer consists of four Rak’ahs (units of prayer). These Sunnah Mu’akkadah (emphasized) Rak’ahs are recommended and highly encouraged for Muslims to perform before the obligatory Dhuhr prayer. It is a practice that follows the example (Sunnah) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

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  1. The term "Ash'aris" refers to a theological school within Sunni Islam. They are followers of the teachings of Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari (c. 874–936 CE), who was an Islamic scholar and theologian. The Ash'aris are part of the broader Sunni tradition, known as "Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah," which represRead more

    The term “Ash’aris” refers to a theological school within Sunni Islam. They are followers of the teachings of Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari (c. 874–936 CE), who was an Islamic scholar and theologian. The Ash’aris are part of the broader Sunni tradition, known as “Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah,” which represents the mainstream Sunni Muslim beliefs.The Ash’aris are known for their specific approach to Islamic theology, often referred to as “Ash’arism” or “Ash’ari theology.” Some of their key theological positions include Belief in the divine attributes: They affirm the attributes of Allah mentioned in the Quran and Hadith but interpret them in a way that avoids anthropomorphism or likening Allah to His creation. Predestination (Qadar): The Ash’aris believe in predestination while emphasizing human free will within the framework of Allah’s divine plan.Authority of reason: They place importance on rational arguments and philosophical reasoning to defend and explain Islamic theology. It’s important to note that within Sunni Islam, there are different theological schools, including the Ash’aris, the Maturidis, and others. These schools often share core beliefs and differences in theological nuances. While the Ash’aris are an important theological school within Sunni Islam, they are just one of many, and their teachings are considered part of the broader Sunni tradition. Different Muslim communities may follow different theological schools, and all are generally considered part of Ahl al-Sunnah, the mainstream Sunni Muslims.

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  1. sunnah prayers have numerous virtues, including earning extra rewards and drawing closer to Allah. The times for Sunnah prayers vary, but they can be performed before or after the obligatory prayers.

    sunnah prayers have numerous virtues, including earning extra rewards and drawing closer to Allah. The times for Sunnah prayers vary, but they can be performed before or after the obligatory prayers.

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  1. تصوف ایک ایسا علم ہے جو روح میں بالیدگی پیدا کرتا ہے اور مخلوق کو خالق کائنات سے قریب کرتا ہے۔ روحانیت یا تصوف کے راستے کا مسافر باطنی کیفیات اور مشاہدات سے اللہ کو دیکھ لیتا ہے اور اسے اللہ سے ہمکلامی کا شرف نصیب ہو جاتا ہے۔

    تصوف ایک ایسا علم ہے جو روح میں بالیدگی پیدا کرتا ہے اور مخلوق کو خالق کائنات سے قریب کرتا ہے۔ روحانیت یا تصوف کے راستے کا مسافر باطنی کیفیات اور مشاہدات سے اللہ کو دیکھ لیتا ہے اور اسے اللہ سے ہمکلامی کا شرف نصیب ہو جاتا ہے۔

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Follow these five instructions, if you are going to a Muslim wedding. 1. Traditional Dress: When attending a Muslim wedding, traditional dress is highly recommended. Depending on your regional background, culture, and gender. Traditional dress could include anything from an Ikat patterned silk sareeRead more

    Follow these five instructions, if you are going to a Muslim wedding.

    1. Traditional Dress:

    When attending a Muslim wedding, traditional dress is highly recommended. Depending on your regional background, culture, and gender. Traditional dress could include anything from an Ikat patterned silk saree to a shalwar kameez. Generally speaking conservative dress that covers shoulders and knees should be worn at all times. Shorter length skirts or dresses are prohibited.

    2. Jewelry:

    Many Muslims enjoy wearing gold jewelry as part of their wedding ceremony. Pieces such as jhumka earrings and maang tikhas (traditional Indian head pieces) can help elevate your look no matter what you are wearing. It does not need to be real jewelry.

    3. Shoes & Accessories:

    A good pair of closed shoes is essential if you plan on attending a Muslim wedding ceremony and will help keep you comfortable throughout the day too. Open toe shoes, flip-flops and stilettos are not appropriate for this event. Other small accessories like necklaces, beaded lockets, or even bangles help add subtle flair to your chosen outfit.

    4. Makeup & Hairstyle:

    Keep makeup light with breezy pastel colors that go well with your ensemble for natural looking hairstyles using hair oil is another good idea. You want to look elegant not distracting so avoid heavy eyeshadow or dramatic haircuts and styles during a Muslim wedding ceremony unless specifically instructed otherwise by the bride’s family beforehand.

    5. Colors To Wear:

    Narrow down your color shades by choosing demure neutral hues is also essential when attending a Muslim wedding. Stay away from vivid shades like reds or purples. These colors are too sharp to notice by others. Just keep colors light in your choice of colors like ivory, white and silver.

    6. Final Touches:

    Small details such as draping beaded necklaces around the shoulder region (for women only), adding an ornamented dupatta/hijab pinned back neatly in place (stringently required every time when outdoors), quick touch ups like brushing loose strands of hair off one’s face. Others just covering body is the Islamic religion is required.

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