Duha Prayer: Timing: Duha prayer is prayed after sunrise and continues until just before the sun reaches its zenith (the time when the sun is directly overhead). It is preferable to delay it closer to the zenith, but it can be prayed any time between sunrise and just before the zenith. Surah Duha: WRead more
Duha Prayer:
- Timing: Duha prayer is prayed after sunrise and continues until just before the sun reaches its zenith (the time when the sun is directly overhead). It is preferable to delay it closer to the zenith, but it can be prayed any time between sunrise and just before the zenith.
- Surah Duha: While there is no specific requirement to recite Surah Duha during the Duha prayer, it is recommended to recite it as it carries great blessings. Surah Duha (Chapter 93) is a short chapter consisting of 11 verses and can be recited during this prayer.
- Sunrise: Duha prayer is not specifically intended for praying for the sun. It is a voluntary prayer offered during the forenoon, primarily to seek Allah’s blessings and express gratitude.
- Number of Rakat: Duha prayer typically consists of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 rakats, prayed in sets of two rakats each. The most common practice is to pray 8 rakats, but it can vary according to one’s choice.
- Makrooh Time: It is considered disliked (makrooh) to pray during the sun’s rising (when it’s still low on the horizon) and when the sun is at its zenith (directly overhead).
Duha prayer is a voluntary and highly recommended prayer in Islam, and its timing and the number of rakats can be flexible based on personal convenience and devotion. It is an excellent way to seek Allah’s blessings and show gratitude during the forenoon.
1. What is Khushu in Salah (Namaz)? Khushu is a state of humility, concentration, and deep devotion that a person should strive to achieve during their Salah (Islamic prayer). It involves having a heart and mind fully focused on the act of worship and a profound awareness of standing in the presenceRead more
1. What is Khushu in Salah (Namaz)?
2. What is Khuzu in Salah (Namaz)?
3. Difference between Khushu and Khuzu:
4. The Importance of Khushu in Salah:
5. Consequences of Praying Without Khushu:
6. Tips to Attain Khushu in Salah:
In summary, Khushu in Salah is the state of deep devotion and concentration during Islamic prayer. Achieving Khushu is essential for a more spiritually fulfilling prayer experience. While the validity of the prayer is not affected by the absence of Khushu, the spiritual rewards and benefits are significantly diminished. To attain Khushu, one can prepare mentally, eliminate distractions, pray at a moderate pace, understand the meanings of the recitations, and make personal supplications during sujood.
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