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  1. In Islamic tradition, the first mother and father of mankind are Adam and Hawwa (Eve). According to the Quran and Hadith (Prophetic traditions), Allah (God) created Adam as the first human being and later created Hawwa as his partner from his rib. They are considered the progenitors of all human beiRead more

    In Islamic tradition, the first mother and father of mankind are Adam and Hawwa (Eve). According to the Quran and Hadith (Prophetic traditions), Allah (God) created Adam as the first human being and later created Hawwa as his partner from his rib. They are considered the progenitors of all human beings, and their story is often seen as an important part of the creation narrative in Islam. This narrative is similar to the one found in Judeo-Christian traditions, where Adam and Eve are also recognized as the first human couple. However, there may be variations in the details of their story between different religious traditions and interpretations.

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had two foster mothers in his life. The first one was Halima Saadia, from the Banu Saad tribe, who took care of him in the early years of his life. The second one was Saubia, the maid of the Prophet Muhammad uncles brother, who briefly took care of him afterRead more

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had two foster mothers in his life. The first one was Halima Saadia, from the Banu Saad tribe, who took care of him in the early years of his life. The second one was Saubia, the maid of the Prophet Muhammad uncles brother, who briefly took care of him after his return from Halima home.

    Both of these women played a minor role in the Prophet life compared to his mother Aminah, who passed away when he was six years old, and his paternal grandfather Abdul Muttalib, who raised him after his mother’s death. However, the Prophet remained grateful to his foster mother Halima Saadia throughout his life and referred to her as his “mother” even after he became a prophet.

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