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  1. Tampons, as a hygiene product, are not explicitly addressed in Islamic scriptures such as the Quran or Hadith. Therefore, there is no direct prohibition or permission regarding their use. However, Islamic scholars often provide guidance based on general principles of cleanliness and purity (taharah)Read more

    Tampons, as a hygiene product, are not explicitly addressed in Islamic scriptures such as the Quran or Hadith. Therefore, there is no direct prohibition or permission regarding their use.

    However, Islamic scholars often provide guidance based on general principles of cleanliness and purity (taharah). In this context, tampons are considered permissible for women to use as long as they maintain their ritual purity for acts of worship, such as prayers (salah), by ensuring proper hygiene and cleanliness during menstruation.

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  1. This is not white gold, rather it is called silver that means 'Chandi'. As far as the question is concerned, yes it is permissible for men to wear a ring of silver. Anas bin Malik RA narrates that the Messenger of Allah had a silver ring that he used to wear in His right hand. [Sahih Muslim:2094, SuRead more

    This is not white gold, rather it is called silver that means ‘Chandi’. As far as the question is concerned, yes it is permissible for men to wear a ring of silver.

    Anas bin Malik RA narrates that the Messenger of Allah had a silver ring that he used to wear in His right hand. [Sahih Muslim:2094, Sunan Al-Nasayi:5212 etc.]

    Also, there is another Hadith narrated by Abdullah bin Umar RA that the Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him took a silver ring seeing which the companions also took silver rings to wear. [Muttafaqyn Alaih, Sahih Bukhari:5866, Sahih Muslim:2091].

    Due to such Hadiths, majority of the Scholars permits men to wear silver.

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  1. Smoking an electric cigarette is permissible per se, however, it is not permissible like eating and drinking, but it is a habit of non-peaceful people, so some jurists have called it Makruh (Tanzihi), and there is also extravagance in it. Should be avoided.

    Smoking an electric cigarette is permissible per se, however, it is not permissible like eating and drinking, but it is a habit of non-peaceful people, so some jurists have called it Makruh (Tanzihi), and there is also extravagance in it. Should be avoided.

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  1. The top 3 Haram things are: 1. Worshiping Others: Only worship Allah; anything else is shirk. 2. Eating Pork or Drinking Alcohol: These are strictly forbidden. 3. Sex Outside Marriage: Any sexual relations outside marriage are prohibited. These are major prohibitions in Islam.

    The top 3 Haram things are:

    1. Worshiping Others: Only worship Allah; anything else is shirk.

    2. Eating Pork or Drinking Alcohol: These are strictly forbidden.

    3. Sex Outside Marriage: Any sexual relations outside marriage are prohibited.

    These are major prohibitions in Islam.

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  1. السلام علیکم و رحمۃ اللّٰہ وبرکتہ It is not permissible for men to wear any type of jewelry other than a silver ring, and even in a silver ring it is important that it is not made of more than four and a half mashes, so it is not permissible to wear earrings. في الشامیۃ:ولا یتحلي الرجل بذھب وفضۃ مطلRead more

    السلام علیکم و رحمۃ اللّٰہ وبرکتہ

    It is not permissible for men to wear any type of jewelry other than a silver ring, and even in a silver ring it is important that it is not made of more than four and a half mashes, so it is not permissible to wear earrings.

    في الشامیۃ:ولا یتحلي الرجل بذھب وفضۃ مطلقا إلا بخاتم ولا یزیدہ علی مثقال. (الشامیۃ:9/520 )

    في التاتارخانیۃ:ولایجوز للرجالالتحلي بالذھب ولا بالفضۃإلا بالخاتم ،وینبغی أن یکون قدرفضۃ الخاتم المثقال ولایزاد علیہ.(الفتاوی التاتارخانیۃ:18/124)

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  1. . General Halal Seafood: In general, seafood is considered Halal in Islam. This includes fish such as salmon, tuna, and trout. 2. Shellfish: The permissibility of shellfish like shrimp, crab, and lobster can vary among Islamic schools of thought. In the Hanafi school, these types of shellfish are coRead more

    . General Halal Seafood:

    • In general, seafood is considered Halal in Islam. This includes fish such as salmon, tuna, and trout.

    2. Shellfish:

    • The permissibility of shellfish like shrimp, crab, and lobster can vary among Islamic schools of thought.
    • In the Hanafi school, these types of shellfish are considered Makruh (disliked) but not Haram (forbidden).
    • In the Shafi’i school, they are generally considered Halal.

    3. Bohri Mazhab and Zibah:

    • The Bohra community follows a specific branch of Shia Islam, and their dietary practices may differ from other Sunni schools of thought.
    • Some Bohras practice a form of Zibah, which involves slaughtering animals in a specific ritualistic manner similar to the Sunni method of Zabiha or Halal slaughter.
    • Bohras may apply these principles to seafood like fish, ensuring that it is slaughtered according to their specific traditions.


    • In general, most seafood is considered Halal in Islam.
    • The permissibility of shellfish may vary depending on the Islamic school of thought. Hanafis consider them Makruh, while Shafi’is generally consider them Halal.
    • Bohras may have specific practices related to seafood and Zibah based on their religious traditions.

    It’s essential for individuals to follow the dietary guidelines of their specific Islamic school of thought or community.

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