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  1. No ! Islam not give us permission to do like that . Islamic relationship started with nekah. Becuse nikah is the strongest whay to giveย  complete protection for woman . That whise nikah is the only option

    No ! Islam not give us permission to do like that . Islamic relationship started with nekah. Becuse nikah is the strongest whay to giveย  complete protection for woman . That whise nikah is the only option

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    In Islam, based on teachings from the Quran and hadith having a girlfriend or boyfriend is considered haram, or forbidden. This encourages marriage importance and avoiding illicit relationships. Here is an in-depth look at the Islamic perspective on having a boyfriend or girlfriend is haram. The QurRead more

    In Islam, based on teachings from the Quran and hadith having a girlfriend or boyfriend is considered haram, or forbidden. This encourages marriage importance and avoiding illicit relationships. Here is an in-depth look at the Islamic perspective on having a boyfriend or girlfriend is haram.

    The Qurans Prohibition

    The Quran explicitly prohibits relationships outside of marriage. Allah says in Surah An-Nisa (4:25):

    If any of you does not have the means to marry a believing free woman, then marry a believing slave- God knows best [the depth of] your faith: you are [all] part of the same family- so marry them with their peopleโ€™s consent and their proper bride-gifts. [Make them] married women, not adulteresses or lovers. If they commit adultery when they are married, their punishment will be half that of free women. This is for those of you who fear that you will sin it is better for you to practise selfrestraint. God is most forgiving and merciful.

    This verse indicates that Muslims should seek marriage to fulfill their emotional and physical needs, ensuring that they maintain chastity and avoid premarital relationships.

    Interpretation by Scholars

    Prominent Islamic scholar Ibn Kathir explains this verse by stating that Muslims should be pure and chaste, refraining from illicit sexual conduct and relationships. This interpretation is supported by other scholars like Ibn Abbas and Al-Hasan al-Basri, who further clarify that any form of a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship is haram.

    The Sunnah Stance

    The Hadith also supports this view. One notable story involves Marthad ibn Abi Marthad, who asked the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about marrying a former lover. The Prophet remained silent until the verse from Surah An-Nur (24:3) was revealed, emphasizing that those guilty of fornication should not marry except others guilty of the same sin or unbelievers. The Prophet then advised Marthad against the marriage, highlighting the prohibition of such relationships.

    Consequences of Haram Relationships

    Engaging in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship is seen to have negative consequences both spiritually and socially. These relationships can lead to emotional distress, loss of respect, and distance from Allah guidance. Islamic teachings advocate for marriage as a means to protect people and society from these harms.


    In conclusion, Islam strictly haram having a girlfriend or boyfriend relationship. The teachings of the Quran and Hadith focus on marriage to fulfill emotional and physical needs. Muslims are advised to seek lawful and respectful relationships within the bounds of marriage to maintain their Islamic faith and well being.

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  1. Akhtar Bhai
    Best Answer
    Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer WhatsApp: +923226690723

    Dreaming About Your Ex Boyfriend With His New Girlfriend No matter the end of your relationship, seeing an ex in your dream can be a sign that something important is happening in your life. Dreams often indicate unmet needs in the present, such as intimacy and shared passion. They may also signify yRead more

    Dreaming About Your Ex Boyfriend With His New Girlfriend

    No matter the end of your relationship, seeing an ex in your dream can be a sign that something important is happening in your life.

    Dreams often indicate unmet needs in the present, such as intimacy and shared passion. They may also signify your subconscious attempt to compare your current relationship with its past one.

    Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend with his new girlfriend

    Dreaming about your former boyfriend with a new girlfriend may indicate that you are feeling deeply regretful for him. You might be reflecting on all the things you would have done differently had he still been in your life, or trying to decide how best to handle things now.

    Conversely, this type of dream may indicate you are feeling regret for the mistakes you made during your relationship. It could also signify that you are feeling bitter toward him for breaking your heart and causing you to endure great suffering.

    Now is the time for you to move on and begin a new chapter in your life. Forgive your ex and stop holding onto bitterness.

    Itโ€™s a sign of love

    When you dream about your ex boyfriend with his new girlfriend may indicate that there are still remain feelings of affection for him in your heart. This is an understandable reaction to the breakup and can help you process various emotions like jealousy or disappointment that may still be on your mind.

    Dreaming of a relationship again with an ex-boyfriend could be indicative of your desire to do so. It could also signify that you are going through an emotional transition and are hoping to move on positively from this particular relationship, provided it does so without damaging the bond you share with your current boyfriend.

    Dreaming of your ex-boyfriend being love towards another girl may indicate that something unexpected will occur, leaving you stunned and disappointed by its outcome. It could also be a warning of impending negative events in your life. Therefore, be sure to avoid them at all costs.

    Itโ€™s a sign of jealousy

    When you dream about your ex boyfriend with his new girlfriend can be a sign of jealousy. It could be that you are feeling jealous because he seems to spend more time with her than you are. Or it could simply be that you are comparing yourself to her and wondering whether or not you measure up.

    It could also be that you are feeling jealous because of how much you still miss your ex. In such cases, it is essential to work on yourself and resolve any underlying issues.

    To get to the root of your feelings, it may be beneficial to do meditation. Once you feel at peace within yourself, the dreams about your ex boyfriend with his new girlfriend will gone. Until then, keep doing meditation and try to move on for better.

    Itโ€™s a sign of closure

    Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend with his new girlfriend could be a sign that you are ready for closure. Dreaming is often used as an expression to process feelings regarding a broken relationship.

    However, it is essential to remember that this doesn’t always work. Closure can be a complex and hard. It is easy to get caught up in fear based emotions such as revenge.

    Having back your ex boyfriend can be a journey filled with emotion. One day you may feel completely over him, and then suddenly find yourself sobbing into an ice cream bucket. It doesn’t matter where you stand in this relationship it will likely end in tears.

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