If you have Wet dreams while you are fasting, there will be no harm in fasting. Because it is not voluntary or under control. In this case, the fast should be completed naturally. No Qaza or Kaffara will be required. But bathing will be obligatory. Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) said, Rasulullah (S.A.W.) sRead more
If you have Wet dreams while you are fasting, there will be no harm in fasting. Because it is not voluntary or under control. In this case, the fast should be completed naturally. No Qaza or Kaffara will be required. But bathing will be obligatory.
Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) said, Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said, “Three things do not break the fast – vomiting, snoring and dreaming.” (Bayhaqi, Shuabul Iman, 4/264; Addurrul Mukhtar: 2/396)
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If semen discharges from the private part of a woman due to wet dreams, then shower will be obligatory. If only the dream is seen and semen does not come out, then shower is not required. 'والمعاني الموجبة للغسل إنزال المني على وجه الدفق والشهوة من الرجل والمرأة حالة النوم واليقظة." Al hedaya (The BRead more
If semen discharges from the private part of a woman due to wet dreams, then shower will be obligatory. If only the dream is seen and semen does not come out, then shower is not required.