Halal and Haram Concepts What is the concept of Halal and haram Halal and Haram are Islamic terms that refer to what is permissible (halal) and what is forbidden (haram) according to Islamic law, or Sharia. These concepts guide the behavior and choices of Muslims in various aspects of life, includinRead more
Halal and Haram Concepts
What is the concept of Halal and haram
Halal and Haram are Islamic terms that refer to what is permissible (halal) and what is forbidden (haram) according to Islamic law, or Sharia. These concepts guide the behavior and choices of Muslims in various aspects of life, including diet, finance, ethics, and more.
Halal (Permissible):
Halal refers to things, actions, or practices that are considered lawful and permissible in Islam.
In terms of food, halal food adheres to specific dietary laws outlined in the Quran. For example, it prohibits the consumption of pork and its derivatives, alcohol, and any products containing these forbidden items. It also mandates humane and ethical treatment of animals during slaughter.
Halal extends beyond food to other aspects of life, such as business transactions, clothing, and behavior. Anything that aligns with Islamic principles and does not violate Islamic law is considered halal.
Haram (Forbidden):
Haram refers to things, actions, or practices that are considered unlawful and prohibited in Islam.
In terms of food, haram items include pork, alcohol, and any intoxicants or harmful substances. Additionally, any food or drink that has been contaminated with or prepared using haram ingredients is also considered haram.
Haram actions encompass behaviors that go against Islamic moral and ethical principles, such as lying, stealing, and engaging in interest-based (usurious) financial transactions (riba).
Activities like gambling and illicit relationships are also categorized as haram.
عیسائیوں کے عقیدے کے مطابق تثلیث کا مطلب ہے اللہ ایک جوہر جو تین اشخاص پر مشتمل ہےباپ بیٹا اور روح اسے وہ اپنے گمان میں تین میں اور ایک میں تین کا نام دیتے ہیں، باپ سے انکی مراد وجود ہے اور روح سے مرادزندگی ہے بیٹے سے مراد مسیح ہے،انکے عقیدے کے مطابق عیسیٰ علیہ السلام معبود ہیں اس وجہ سے کہ اللہ تعاRead more
عیسائیوں کے عقیدے کے مطابق تثلیث کا مطلب ہے اللہ ایک جوہر جو تین اشخاص پر مشتمل ہےباپ بیٹا اور روح اسے وہ اپنے گمان میں تین میں اور ایک میں تین کا نام دیتے ہیں، باپ سے انکی مراد وجود ہے اور روح سے مرادزندگی ہے بیٹے سے مراد مسیح ہے،انکے عقیدے کے مطابق عیسیٰ علیہ السلام معبود ہیں اس وجہ سے کہ اللہ تعالیٰ انکے ہاتھ پر خوارق عادت امور جاری کرتا تھااس عقیدے کو نیقیہ کونسل نے 325ء کو منظور کیا تھا۔
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