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  1. The word “Bible” itself is not directly mentioned in Al-Quran anywhere “Bible” comes from the Greek word “Biblios” which simply means “Book” and in Arabic, this word is called “Kitab” - this word is mentioned in Al-Quran so you must be referring to these verses:- “And indeed, among them surely is aRead more

    The word “Bible” itself is not directly mentioned in Al-Quran anywhere

    “Bible” comes from the Greek word “Biblios” which simply means “Book” and in Arabic, this word is called “Kitab” – this word is mentioned in Al-Quran so you must be referring to these verses:-
    “And indeed, among them surely is a group, they distort their tongues in The Kitab so that you may think it is from The Kitab – and it is not from The Kitab – and they say, “It is from Allah” – and it is not from Allah – and they say about Allah the lie while they know.”
    “So woe to those who write (i.e: fabricate) The “Kitab” with their [own] hands then they say, “This is from Allah” to barter (i.e: sell) with it for a little price! So woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn!”

    Therefore, Al-Quran claims that Bible is mixed in various areas – there are truths in it in various areas, certainly, but there are also some areas which are changed, fabricated or removed

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  1. No,  As of now the belif of Christianity's major sects and the belief of Islam is different.  Muslims (those who follow Islam) believe that there is one god - Allah and Muhammad is the final prophet of that god, and Jesus (Eesa) was also a prophet of that god. While the majority of Christians presenRead more

    No,  As of now the belif of Christianity’s major sects and the belief of Islam is different.  Muslims (those who follow Islam) believe that there is one god – Allah and Muhammad is the final prophet of that god, and Jesus (Eesa) was also a prophet of that god.

    While the majority of Christians present now believe in the trinity – i.e. that Jesus had both divine and human nature.  He is denoted as the son of god and came to earth inorder to forgive our sins

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  1. I think that the main difference between Christianity and Islam is about Jesus. Christians believe that he was the son of God. on the other hand, Muslims believe that he was a prophet of God. not a son. muslims believe that God has no wife, or son just like us. He is one and only.

    I think that the main difference between Christianity and Islam is about Jesus. Christians believe that he was the son of God. on the other hand, Muslims believe that he was a prophet of God. not a son. muslims believe that God has no wife, or son just like us. He is one and only.

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  1. Asma Issa
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    The Bible is generally considered to be older than the Quran. The Old Testament, which is the first part of the Christian Bible, was first written in Hebrew between the 12th and 2nd centuries BCE, while the New Testament was written in Greek in the 1st century CE. The Quran, on the other hand, was rRead more

    The Bible is generally considered to be older than the Quran. The Old Testament, which is the first part of the Christian Bible, was first written in Hebrew between the 12th and 2nd centuries BCE, while the New Testament was written in Greek in the 1st century CE.

    The Quran, on the other hand, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in Arabic during the 7th century CE. Therefore, the Bible written before the Quran for several centuries.

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  1. If you are a Christian, you may have heard that it is wrong to pray to saints. Many Protestants believe that praying to saints is wrong and a distraction from God. Catholics, on the other hand, believe that it is fine to ask the saints for prayer. Why Praying to Saints is Wrong? A common objection tRead more

    If you are a Christian, you may have heard that it is wrong to pray to saints. Many Protestants believe that praying to saints is wrong and a distraction from God. Catholics, on the other hand, believe that it is fine to ask the saints for prayer.

    Why Praying to Saints is Wrong?

    A common objection to praying to saints is that it violates the First Commandment, which says:

    You shall not make for yourself an idol (Ex. 20:4).

    Moreover, the Second Commandment prohibits the making of statues of any god. The Bible also says, that only one is acceptable between God and men, and that one is Jesus Christ. This means that no one should ever pray to the saints.

    Another common argument against prayers to the saints is wrong that they are not in heaven and thus do not go directly to God. However, this is simply a misconception that cannot be proven with Scripture.

    Saints are Christians in heaven who have died and are now in a heavenly place with God. They have a sincere interest in helping people on earth, and they can be a source of support in our difficult times.

    In Revelation chapter 5, we read that the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb and each one held a harp and a golden bowl full of incense. The prayers that they sang were the prayers of the saints in heaven.

    Unlike the dead who are in a state of “sleep” or those in heaven are conscious and alive. They are aware of their surroundings and the evil that exists on this earth.

    In the Bible, there are numerous passages that discourage the practice of praying to the saints. This is because the saints in heaven are not subject to the time and space limitations that exist in this life. Therefore, they can hear your prayers but can not answer them.

    Nevertheless, the Bible does not deny that these spirits can speak to us. Rather, we must recognize that these saints are the messengers of God’s love for us. Hence, we are not to seek out these saints to communicate with them, but instead to talk to them daily.

    Our goal should be to share our weaknesses with them and ask them to walk with us through those times. These saints are a model for holiness on earth, and we can copy their example of holiness to live a more perfect life with God.

    As a matter of fact, some Christians actually do ask the saints to pray for them. For example, some Catholics ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to pray for them or to ask a particular saint to pray for them.

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