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  1. The permissibility of income from Google AdSense, or any form of online advertising, in Islam depends on several factors, including the nature of the content being promoted and the specific circumstances surrounding it. Here are some key considerations:Content and Advertisements: The content on a weRead more

    The permissibility of income from Google AdSense, or any form of online advertising, in Islam depends on several factors, including the nature of the content being promoted and the specific circumstances surrounding it. Here are some key considerations:Content and Advertisements: The content on a website or platform where Google AdSense is used should not promote or endorse anything that is haram (forbidden) in Islam, such as alcohol, gambling, interest-based finance, or any form of illegal or unethical activity.Advertisements on Halal Content: If the content of the website is generally halal (permissible) and the advertisements displayed are not promoting haram products or activities, the income generated from Google AdSense is likely considered halal.Adherence to Islamic Ethics: Website owners and content creators should also ensure that their online activities adhere to Islamic ethics and values. This includes avoiding misleading or deceptive content and maintaining a respectful and ethical online presence.Avoidance of Harm: If the content or advertising is causing harm to individuals or society, it may raise ethical concerns in Islam. Harmful content or advertising should be avoided.It’s important for individuals who use Google AdSense to exercise discretion and ensure that their online activities align with Islamic principles and values. Consulting with a knowledgeable Islamic scholar or cleric for specific guidance based on individual circumstances is advisable if there are doubts or concerns about the permissibility of income from online advertising. Islamic rulings can vary, so seeking guidance from a qualified religious authority can provide clarity in specific cases.

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Google is a well known ad network that helps publishers generate income by showing ads on their website. These advertisements are tailored to fit with both your content and visitors based on bidding algorithms. Many Muslim blogs rely on Google AdSense to display advertisements on their websites. UnfRead more

    Google is a well known ad network that helps publishers generate income by showing ads on their website. These advertisements are tailored to fit with both your content and visitors based on bidding algorithms.

    Many Muslim blogs rely on Google AdSense to display advertisements on their websites. Unfortunately, this can present a problem, as these advertisements could potentially be considered haram.

    For instance, advertisements that promote gambling, cigarettes, alcohols and other things that are considered haram to Muslims can present a real problem for Muslim publishers as it could lead to serious trouble or even ban of their site.

    If you are uncertain whether Google AdSense is Halal, take the time to read their policy page carefully and seek the opinions of credible Islamic scholars or experts who have studied this issue extensively. I have seen many Islamic scholars on YouTube they have AdSense accounts to generate revenue.

    Finally, to successfully make money using AdSense you must abide by a few strict rules that guarantee your earnings are halal. These include your ads must be Halal and the content within them must also adhere to these same requirements.

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Islam does not have specific guidelines regarding the use of Google AdSense or any other specific online advertising platform. As these technologies did not exist during the time of the Quran and Hadiths. As a result, whether using Google AdSense or is advertising allowed in Islam generally falls unRead more

    Islam does not have specific guidelines regarding the use of Google AdSense or any other specific online advertising platform. As these technologies did not exist during the time of the Quran and Hadiths. As a result, whether using Google AdSense or is advertising allowed in Islam generally falls under the ethics of business and commerce in Islamic teachings.

    In Islamic teachings, engaging in business is generally considered allow as long as it respect to some certain ethics, such as honesty, transparency, and avoiding any harmful product or service. Google AdSense itself is an advertising program that allows website owners to display ads on their sites and earn revenue based on user clicks or impressions. As long as the content being promoted through AdSense does not violate any Islamic teachings, like promoting gambling, or adult content. There is typically no issue with using such advertising programs.

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