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  1. As-salamu alaykum! When it comes to determining if Facebook marketing and Ads services are halal, it's important to consider the specific content and purpose of the ads. Generally, advertising products or services that are permissible in Islam is allowed. However, if the ads promote haram (forbiddenRead more

    As-salamu alaykum! When it comes to determining if Facebook marketing and Ads services are halal, it’s important to consider the specific content and purpose of the ads. Generally, advertising products or services that are permissible in Islam is allowed. However, if the ads promote haram (forbidden) products or involve unethical practices, it would not be considered halal. It’s always a good idea to consult with a knowledgeable Islamic scholar for a more specific and detailed answer. May Allah guide you in your endeavors!

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Islam does not have specific guidelines regarding the use of Google AdSense or any other specific online advertising platform. As these technologies did not exist during the time of the Quran and Hadiths. As a result, whether using Google AdSense or is advertising allowed in Islam generally falls unRead more

    Islam does not have specific guidelines regarding the use of Google AdSense or any other specific online advertising platform. As these technologies did not exist during the time of the Quran and Hadiths. As a result, whether using Google AdSense or is advertising allowed in Islam generally falls under the ethics of business and commerce in Islamic teachings.

    In Islamic teachings, engaging in business is generally considered allow as long as it respect to some certain ethics, such as honesty, transparency, and avoiding any harmful product or service. Google AdSense itself is an advertising program that allows website owners to display ads on their sites and earn revenue based on user clicks or impressions. As long as the content being promoted through AdSense does not violate any Islamic teachings, like promoting gambling, or adult content. There is typically no issue with using such advertising programs.

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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    In Islam, the permissibility of advertising depends on the nature of the product or service and the methods used for advertising. Islamic teachings guides us ethical and moral conduct, including in matters of business and marketing. Advertising is generally allowed in Islam as long as it stick to ceRead more

    In Islam, the permissibility of advertising depends on the nature of the product or service and the methods used for advertising. Islamic teachings guides us ethical and moral conduct, including in matters of business and marketing.

    Advertising is generally allowed in Islam as long as it stick to certain ethical guidelines:

    1. Honesty: Islamic teachings emphasize honesty in all matters, including advertising. Therefore, advertisements should not contain false claims, exaggerations, or misleading information.

    2. Avoiding Harmful Products: Products or services that are harmful to individuals or society, such as weapons, drugs, or other harmful products, should not be advertised. Islam promotes the well being and preservation of human life and health.

    3. Respect for Modesty: Advertisements should be respectful of modesty and avoid displaying content that is considered inappropriate (adult) or offensive in Islamic culture.

    4. Avoiding Exploitation: Advertisers should not exploit the vulnerabilities of consumers or manipulate them into purchasing products they do not need.

    5. Respect for Cultural Sensitivities: Advertisements should respect cultural and religious sensitivities. Content that goes against Islamic values or promotes immoral behavior should be avoided.

    6. Transparency: Advertisers should disclose the terms, conditions, and pricing of products or services being promoted. Hidden fees or deceptive pricing should be avoided.

    7. Avoiding Gambling and Speculation: Islam prohibits activities related to gambling and excessive speculation. Therefore, advertisements for gambling, and similar activities would not be in line with Islamic principles.

    It is important to note that the interpretation of Islamic teachings can vary among scholars and communities. Some may be considered acceptable advertising in one context may not in another. Muslims should consult with knowledgeable religious scholars to ensure that their advertising practices align with Islamic ethics.

    Ultimately, the Islamic teachings about advertising with integrity, honesty, and consideration for the well being of individuals and society as a whole, by Islamic teachings.

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