1. A person who is a Muslim, sane and mature, independent, has wealth equal to the nisab, if the wealth is more than the basic needs and if a whole year has passed on this wealth, zakat is obligatory on him. Or fifty-two and a half tolas of silver, or the value of both equal to the value of one of themRead more

    A person who is a Muslim, sane and mature, independent, has wealth equal to the nisab, if the wealth is more than the basic needs and if a whole year has passed on this wealth, zakat is obligatory on him. Or fifty-two and a half tolas of silver, or the value of both equal to the value of one of them, or the value of one of the two, or a commodity of trade, or all of them together or some of them together, the total value being equal to the value of silver.

    The description is as follows: Zakat on seven and a half tolas of gold is applicable when one owns only gold, and does not possess any property of any other kind, but if there is some other property along with gold, then zakat is obligatory. The orbit will be fifty-two and a half tolas of silver. In other words, if someone has less than seven and a half tolas of gold and has no cash, silver or trading goods at all, then this person will not be required to pay zakat. If there is money or goods of trade, then the nisab for it is worth fifty-two and a half tolas of silver, so if the value of this gold and other items is equal to fifty-two and a half tolas of silver, then it will be obligatory to give zakat. Only God knows

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  2. It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: These five things are the requirements of the good nature of man and the special rules of the religion of nature. Circumcision, pubic hair removal, moustache, nail trimming and armpit haiRead more

    It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: These five things are the requirements of the good nature of man and the special rules of the religion of nature. Circumcision, pubic hair removal, moustache, nail trimming and armpit hair removal.

    Cleaning the hair below the pubic area and armpit hair is from the sunnah and matters of nature, cleaning once a week is mustahab and arranging it on Friday is a virtue. Leaving the hair for more than 40 days is abominable, and the person who does not clean this hair within 40 days will be a sinner.

    The limit of cutting the pubic hair is that if a man sits upright, then the hair growing from the place where the belly button falls to the roots of the thighs, the hair of the specific organ (penis) and the surrounding area is a little below the navel. , and the hair of the testicles and the hair in and around the place of discharge of feces are included in the pubic hair, so all these hairs must be cut.

    Then it is better to use a blade or a razor to cut pubic hair in favor of men; Because it removes the hair from the root and it is medically better and for women it is better to pluck the hair or use powder or cream.

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  3. It should be noted that the sacrifice is obligatory on every adult, Muslim, male and female who owns the nisab during the days of Eid al-Adha, (i.e. seven and a half tolas of gold (87.4875 grams) or fifty two and a half tolas of silver (612.4125 grams). or an amount equal to its value is in his possRead more

    It should be noted that the sacrifice is obligatory on every adult, Muslim, male and female who owns the nisab during the days of Eid al-Adha, (i.e. seven and a half tolas of gold (87.4875 grams) or fifty two and a half tolas of silver (612.4125 grams). or an amount equal to its value is in his possession), or he has in his possession so much goods in excess of his needs and use, the value of which is equal to the value of fifty-two and a half tolas of silver, or a house in excess of the house of residence or If it is property, etc., or if it is surplus household goods, the value of which is equal to fifty-two and a half tolas of silver, or if it is trading property, shares, etc., then it is necessary to sacrifice a part of it. (The goods, whether commercial or non-commercial, if they are not in use, will also be included in the curriculum, so if all the above items together or some of them together, the total value is equal to the value of fifty-two and a half tolas of silver. If so, the sacrifice will be obligatory on its owner as well.

    Also, it is not a condition that the wealth, money, or surplus goods of the curriculum have passed for a year in order for the sacrifice to be wajib, and it is not a condition for it to be commercial. Therefore, if on the last day (12 Dhu al-Hijjah) out of the three days of sacrifice, he becomes the owner of wealth equal to the nisab or goods in excess of what he needs and uses, then even then the sacrifice is obligatory on him. Yes, until the days of Eid-ul-Azha, the debt or expenses that are due, will be calculated by deducting that amount.

    A person who has houses in excess of a residential house, plots other than a plot for a necessary house, vehicles other than a necessary vehicle, whether all of these are for trade or not, such a person may sacrifice. In truth, there is a teacher, and it is obligatory to sacrifice on him.

    It should also be clear that whether such a person is one or more than one person in the house, due to the presence of the above mentioned conditions, if there are several Sahab Nisab people in one house, then it is obligatory for all of them to perform Qurbani separately, and in such a case, according to the Sharia. A single sacrifice will not be enough from the whole family.

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  4. It should be noted that there are two things that are intended by intention: 1: Distinguishing worship from habits (for example: standing, sometimes it is just due to physical desire and this standing becomes worship when it is with the intention of prayer). 2: Distinguishing some acts of worship frRead more

    It should be noted that there are two things that are intended by intention:

    1: Distinguishing worship from habits (for example: standing, sometimes it is just due to physical desire and this standing becomes worship when it is with the intention of prayer).

    2: Distinguishing some acts of worship from others (for example: Zuhr and Asr rak’ats are the same, but because the intention is different, they are considered separate acts of worship).

    And intention is actually the name of making intention from the heart, so it is not necessary to perform the words of intention with the tongue for the health of the intention. If he is not able to convince his heart without paying, it is sufficient for him to make a verbal intention. Rather better. This is the order of Fard, Sunnah and Nafil.

    It is enough for the person who prays alone to perform the obligatory prayer with his heart that: I am performing the obligatory prayer at such and such a time (for example, Zuhr, Asr) (the number of rak’ahs and the direction of the Qibla are not required) and join the congregation. The following two intentions are necessary for the prospective muqtadi:

    The first is that: Determine which prayer is being offered?

    The second is that: He should make the intention that I am praying in the example of this Imam.

    While it is not necessary for the imam to become the imam in the congregational prayer that he intends to be his own imam along with the prayer; Rather, it will be correct for the followers to follow him even without the intention of Imamate, but the Imam will get the reward of Imamate only when he intends to lead.

    In the rest of the Sunnah-e-Muqedah, only the intention that I am praying so many rakats of Sunnah is sufficient, it is not necessary to say that I am performing the Sunnah of Fajr or Zuhr, for example, Sunnahs are performed even without this designation (and if there is a specified If you do it, there is no harm), and in Nafal prayers, only the intention that I am praying is sufficient, it is not necessary to determine the time, etc.

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  5. If the imam does this in the case of responsibility, then it will be necessary to perform Sajdah in any case. It should be noted that it is obligatory on the imam to perform the jahr in the prayer prayers, it is not obligatory on the person who prays alone.

    If the imam does this in the case of responsibility, then it will be necessary to perform Sajdah in any case. It should be noted that it is obligatory on the imam to perform the jahr in the prayer prayers, it is not obligatory on the person who prays alone.

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  6. There is a strict prohibition of keeping dogs in hadiths, it is mentioned in hadith sharif that angels do not visit a house where there are dogs or pictures. And there is a hadith that one carat is reduced daily from the deeds of a dog breeder without need. Therefore keeping dogs in the house is a cRead more

    There is a strict prohibition of keeping dogs in hadiths, it is mentioned in hadith sharif that angels do not visit a house where there are dogs or pictures. And there is a hadith that one carat is reduced daily from the deeds of a dog breeder without need. Therefore keeping dogs in the house is a cause of loss of good fortune; Therefore, it is very important to avoid dog breeding as a hobby.

    However, if the dog is bred for the protection of animals and crops or for hunting, then it is allowed by the Shariat.

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  7. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) described many sins as major in various places and depending on the circumstances. He has described three, sometimes six, sometimes seven, and sometimes even more. I do not intend to rely on it, but have described as much as was consideredRead more

    The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) described many sins as major in various places and depending on the circumstances. He has described three, sometimes six, sometimes seven, and sometimes even more. I do not intend to rely on it, but have described as much as was considered appropriate to the occasion and circumstances.

    In a hadith of Bukhari and Muslim, it is said: The Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: I am informing you of the greatest of the major sins, they are three: associating any creature with Allah, Disobeying parents and bearing false witness or lying.

    Similarly, in a tradition of Bukhari and Muslim, it is said: Someone asked the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, what is the greatest sin? He said: You associate someone with Allah, even though He has created you, then asked which sin is the greatest after that? So he said that if you kill your child with the risk that it will partake of your food, you will have to feed it, then asked which sin is the greatest after that? He said: Committing adultery with one’s neighbor’s wife, adultery itself is a great crime and the protection of one’s neighbor’s family and friends is also the responsibility of a person like one’s own family and friends, so this crime has doubled.

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  8. Smoking an electric cigarette is permissible per se, however, it is not permissible like eating and drinking, but it is a habit of non-peaceful people, so some jurists have called it Makruh (Tanzihi), and there is also extravagance in it. Should be avoided.

    Smoking an electric cigarette is permissible per se, however, it is not permissible like eating and drinking, but it is a habit of non-peaceful people, so some jurists have called it Makruh (Tanzihi), and there is also extravagance in it. Should be avoided.

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  9. It is permissible to own cat in Islam. The condition is that it should not be hurt, food and water should be taken care of. It is proven that the cat is done on the authority of Hazrat Abu Hurayrah, so it is in Tirmidhi Sharif: asked: Why was your surname Abu Hurairah? He said: I used to graze the gRead more

    It is permissible to own cat in Islam. The condition is that it should not be hurt, food and water should be taken care of. It is proven that the cat is done on the authority of Hazrat Abu Hurayrah, so it is in Tirmidhi Sharif: asked: Why was your surname Abu Hurairah? He said: I used to graze the goats of my family and one of them was a small cat. At night I used to sit him on a tree and during the day I would take him along and play with him. Similarly, people started calling me Abu Hurairah. It is mentioned in some books that one day I was carrying a cat when the Messenger of Allah saw me and addressed me as Abu Hurairah. I became known as Abu Hurairah.

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  10. It is permissible to recite dhikr for a woman in the state of menses and nifas, as well as reciting Durwood Pak, Istighfar, Kalima Tayyaba, or any other wazifa or reciting the prayers mentioned in the Holy Quran with the intention of dua or wazifa. Recitation of Holy Quran is not permissible in thisRead more

    It is permissible to recite dhikr for a woman in the state of menses and nifas, as well as reciting Durwood Pak, Istighfar, Kalima Tayyaba, or any other wazifa or reciting the prayers mentioned in the Holy Quran with the intention of dua or wazifa. Recitation of Holy Quran is not permissible in this situation۔۔۔
    Arabic reference۔۔

    الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) (1/ 293):
    “فلو قرأت الفاتحة على وجه الدعاء أو شيئاً من الآيات التي فيها معنى الدعاء ولم ترد القراءة لا بأس به، كما قدمناه عن العيون لأبي الليث، وأن مفهومه أن ما ليس فيه معنى الدعاء كسورة أبي لهب لايؤثر فيه قصد غير القرآنية”.

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