1.   Basic principles and dreams of Islamic economy Fundamental Principles of Islamic Economics The conditions are as follows: Yalit Amwal refers to a simple trust and not a lot. The earth and its inhabitants are the right of all human beings. In Majumla Amrali, the effect of the article Hajit hasRead more


    Basic principles and dreams of Islamic economy

    Fundamental Principles of Islamic Economics

    The conditions are as follows:

    Yalit Amwal refers to a simple trust and not a lot. The earth and its inhabitants are the right of all human beings. In Majumla Amrali, the effect of the article Hajit has gone. The real wealth and our Mufti economic center are human beings. He paid attention to it and it is common to him. Hammam is the foundation of a wonderful economy and maintaining chaos in the beginning is a shari’a duty for every citizen to earn as much as possible economically. The key to the system of public education is the duty of the state.

    Prevention of Istgar and Iktaz

    Collective interest prevails over individual interests.



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  2. Allah answers this in the Qur'a,"وماخلقت الجن والانس الا لیعبدون"I have created jinns and humans for my worship.  

    Allah answers this in the Qur’a,”وماخلقت الجن والانس الا لیعبدون”I have created jinns and humans for my worship.


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