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  1. There is no maximum limit set for the amount of mahr (dower), and the minimum amount is ten dirhams, which is equivalent to approximately two tolah and three-quarters of a masha of silver according to current standards (the exact market value should be verified at the time of payment).

    The mahr of a woman is equivalent to that of similar women in the bride’s father’s family, who match her in wealth, beauty, religion, age, intellect, era, city, and status (whether virgin or previously married), is her right. This is known as “mahr mithl.” However, Sharia allows the parties to mutually agree on a mahr that is either less or more than the mahr mithl, provided it is not less than ten dirhams. This agreed-upon mahr is called “mahr musamma,” and the husband is obligated to pay this agreed amount at the time of marriage. Setting an excessively high mahr beyond one’s means or for just show off is considered undesirable in Sharia.

    If the husband is able, it is recommended (but not obligatory) to set the mahr at the “mahr Fatimi” amount. “Mahr Fatimi” refers to the amount set by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for his daughter Fatima (may Allah be pleased with her), his other daughters, and most of his wives. According to hadith, the mahr Fatimi is twelve and a half uqiyyah, with one uqiyyah equal to forty dirhams. Thus, the mahr Fatimi amounts to five hundred dirhams of silver. In contemporary terms, this is equivalent to one hundred and thirty-one tolah and three masha of silver, or 1.5309 kilograms of silver.