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Charity In Islam Reward

Charity In Islam Reward

Charity is a means of attaining nearness to Allah. There are two types of charity. 1. common charity; 2. Zarya in charity.

Common charity is to donate money, clothes, food to orphans, poor and helpless. And in charity, the reward of charity is permanent. After death, one gets reward even in the grave. For example, leaving Hafez, Alem students and righteous children in the world. Writing religious books. Establishing mosques and madrasas. Providing water for public, planting trees.

If one person teaches another religious scholar, that person will later teach someone else. In this way, the reward of this good deed will continue to reach the grave until the Day of Judgment. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) declared that person as the greatest benefactor. He who is a scholar of the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah teaches others. Donating to mosques, madrasas, orphanages, roads, etc. benefits many people and the rewards are long-lasting. In Bukhari Sharif – On the authority of Hazrat Abu Hurayah (R.A.), the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said, When a person dies, all his deeds cease, but the reward of three deeds continues till the Day of Resurrection- Charity, Beneficial Knowledge , the good child who prays for him.

Regarding the importance of charity, it is said in verse 19 of Surah Zariat, ‘In your wealth the poor and helpless have a right’.

That is, what we donate, in the eyes of Islam, is not kindness, it is the right of the poor or Haqqul Ibad. When donation is made, the right of creation is respected. Allah Ta’ala also said, ‘They have certain rights in their wealth. Beggars and destitutes (those who do not touch anyone out of shame) have rights’.

Regarding the importance of charity, Surah Al-Baqarah verse 261 states – ‘The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed from which seven sprouts grow. And each seed has a hundred seeds. And Allah bestows more on whomever He wills’.

Charity is also encouraged in the Hadith Sharif – reported by Bukhari and Muslim Sharif – those who give secretly, Allah Almighty will grant them shade and peace under the Arsh on the Day of Resurrection. The Prophet (PBUH) said, charity extinguishes sins as water extinguishes fire. Charity saves from hell fire. Subhanallah He also said that if you donate, the danger will be removed and the life will increase.

Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim Sharif, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘Even if you donate a part of a date, try to avoid the fire of Hell.’

By donating Bala trouble, accident, trouble, accident, illness is removed. Therefore, the importance and virtue of donation is immense.

However, donating is not permissible. About this, Allah says, ‘O believers! Don’t spoil the reward of your charity by showing charity and by suffering, and you should give charity with charity. Allah’s Messenger said, “A little deed with concentration is enough for salvation.”

Many people in today’s age donate to get praise, to express pride. Many also donate for worldly interests. It is completely forbidden. If charity is not for the pleasure of Almighty Allah, it may gain some worldly benefits, but it will not be rewarded in the Hereafter.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, Those who give in order to gain the praise of people, the fire of Hell will be first kindled by them (Nauzubillah).

He said, Allah will ask the wealthy, what have you done with the wealth I gave? He will reply I have given a lot to please you. Allah will say, you are lying. Rather, you have donated for the purpose that you will be called, generous, charitable, social worker, philanthropist. You have got all the titles in the world. Then he will be dragged and thrown into hell. So don’t give khota by donating and should be done with Ekhlach.

May Allah Ta’ala grant us the Tawfiq to give as sincerely as we can. Amen.

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