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Patience / ุญู„ู…

Patience / ุญู„ู…

Meaning of Patience / ุญู„ู…: tolerance, control and restraint. Definition of Patience / ุญู„ู…: Solving the matter with foresight and wisdom despite the power of harshness is called ‘Hilm’. It ...

Parental communication: The prophetic way

Parental communication: The prophetic way

Parental Communication: The Prophetic Way Syed Sohaib Ishtiaq Jafry The relationship between a parent and a child is one of great importance in any society. It is the building block ...

The order of benevolence with parents

The order of benevolence with parents

Allah, the Exalted, has created human beings in different relationships, among them, H e has made someone a father, then He has given someone the status of a mother, and ...