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  1. Sunni

    Sunnis believe that the first four Caliphs, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali were the rightful successors of Muhammad and all Muslims should abide by the Sunnah of the Prophet. They make up around 90% of the Muslim population in the world. So, majority is authority that makes them the right sect of Islam.

  2. It is not possible to determine which Islam sect is right, nor do I have any bias or preference towards any particular sect. It is important to recognize that there are many different sects and interpretations within Islam. Each of them has its own beliefs and practices.

    The religion of Islam is based on the Quran and the Sunnah (teachings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad) as the primary sources of guidance. Muslims do differently in their interpretation and application of these sources, leading to the formation of different schools of thought and sects within Islam.

    It is important to respect the diversity within the Muslim community and to avoid making judgments about any particular sect. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to explore their own beliefs and choose a path that aligns with their personal values and understanding of Islam.

  3. Allah knows best….
    Just folllow Quran and Sunnah and don’t do sects

  4. When askedย which Islam sect is rightย the majority of people will just say that those who follow the Quran and the Sunnah of prophet Muhammad. Many scholars say the only right sect is Ahl al-Sunnah and others are kaffirs and will go to hell. But the truth is that finding the correct ofย which Islamic sect is right requires to consideration of all Muslims. At the same time requires extensive research and knowledge to choose the right sect or right path for your religious journey.

  5. Determining which Islamic sect is “right” is a complex and subjective question, if we try to find answer without perspective of Quran.

    Islam has several major sects, including Sunni, Shia, and others, each with its own beliefs and interpretations of the faith. It’s mentioned in Hadith, there will be 72 sects of Islam near the day ofย  judgment. But the only one would be on right path.

    What is considered “right” often depends on an individual’s personal beliefs and cultural background. It’s essential to respect the diversity of beliefs within the Islamic community and engage in open and respectful dialogue to better understand different perspectives.

    The sect which is holding Quran and sunnah completely, is the correct one.

  6. 1. Sects in Islam:

    • Sects in Islam refer to different theological or jurisprudential interpretations and schools of thought within the broader Islamic community (Ummah).
    • While Islam’s core beliefs are shared among all Muslims, differences arise in matters of jurisprudence (Fiqh), theology (Aqidah), and practice.
    • Sectarian divisions are not encouraged in Islam, and Muslims are urged to maintain unity and avoid divisions.

    2. Hadith on Sects (Firqah):

    • There is a Hadith attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that mentions the emergence of sects within the Muslim community. It is known as the Hadith of the 72 Sects.

    3. The Hadith of the 72 Sects:

    • The Hadith of the 72 Sects is a well-known tradition that speaks of the division of the Muslim community into various sects.
    • The exact wording of the Hadith may vary among sources, but the essence remains consistent. It is generally understood that the Prophet Muhammad said that the Muslim Ummah would divide into 72 sects.

    4. One Jammat Going to Jannah (Paradise):

    • The Hadith goes on to say that among these sects, only one group will enter Paradise (Jannah), signifying that salvation is not tied to sectarian affiliation but rather to faith, righteous deeds, and adherence to the core teachings of Islam.
    • The Hadith emphasizes the importance of following the Quran and the Sunnah (the practices and teachings of the Prophet) in order to remain on the right path.

    5. Emphasis on Unity:

    • Islam places a strong emphasis on unity within the Muslim community. Sectarianism is discouraged, and Muslims are encouraged to follow the Quran, the Prophet’s Sunnah, and the consensus of scholars (Ijma) in matters of faith and practice.
    • While differences in jurisprudence and interpretation exist, they should not lead to division or hostility among Muslims.

    In summary, sects in Islam refer to different theological and jurisprudential interpretations within the Muslim community. The Hadith of the 72 Sects emphasizes the potential for divisions but also underscores the importance of adhering to the core teachings of Islam, as only one group will enter Paradise. Islam encourages unity among Muslims and discourages sectarianism, emphasizing the importance of following the Quran and the Sunnah as the primary sources of guidance

  7. The right Sects in Islam there are various sects within Islam ,all Muslims believe in the concept of tawhid belief in one God (Allah) believe in the holy Quran and the teaching of the prophet Muhammad SAW peace and blessings upon him.

  8. The question of which Islamic sect is “right” is a matter of religious belief and interpretation, and it can be highly subjective. Islam, like many other major religions, has several sects or branches that have developed over time due to differences in interpretation of religious texts and historical events. Some of the major Islamic sects include Sunni, Shia, and others with various subgroups within them.It’s important to understand that within each sect, there can be a diversity of beliefs and practices. What is considered “right” can vary from one Muslim to another based on their personal beliefs and the teachings of their particular sect or school of thought.From an objective perspective, it’s important to recognize that all major Islamic sects share a core belief in the oneness of Allah (God), the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the Quran as the holy scripture. They also uphold fundamental principles such as prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage, although there may be variations in the way these practices are carried out.Respect for religious diversity and tolerance for different interpretations of Islam are key principles in many Islamic traditions. Islam encourages believers to seek knowledge, engage in dialogue, and respect the differences of opinion within the broader Muslim community.Ultimately, the question of which Islamic sect is “right” is a deeply personal one, and it varies from individual to individual. It’s a matter of faith and conviction, and Muslims often follow the sect that they believe aligns most closely with their understanding of Islam. Interactions with Muslims of different sects should be conducted with respect and understanding of their particular beliefs and practices.