Praising Allah before making dua: you can praise Allah before making your dua in these way: Recite His Names and Attributes Praise Him for His Creation and Blessings Send Blessings Upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Read Qur'anic Verses and Prophetic Duas
Praising Allah before making dua: you can praise Allah before making your dua in these way:
- Recite His Names and Attributes
- Praise Him for His Creation and Blessings
- Send Blessings Upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
- Read Qur’anic Verses and Prophetic Duas
The primary purpose of exams is to assess a student's performance and determine their abilities. However, if a student cheats and copies during an exam, they violate the principles of examination. This act constitutes deceit and betrayal, and it also wrongs all those students who have diligently preRead more
The primary purpose of exams is to assess a student’s performance and determine their abilities. However, if a student cheats and copies during an exam, they violate the principles of examination. This act constitutes deceit and betrayal, and it also wrongs all those students who have diligently prepared and honestly taken their exams. Therefore, for all these reasons, cheating in exams is legally and morally prohibited.
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