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  1. Akhtar Bhai
    Best Answer
    Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer WhatsApp: +923226690723

    A White Witch refers to a practitioner of witchcraft or magic who uses their powers for positive purposes only. In popular culture, the concept of the white witch is often associated with someone who uses magical powers to benefit others, such as healing the sick and providing protection against negRead more

    A White Witch refers to a practitioner of witchcraft or magic who uses their powers for positive purposes only. In popular culture, the concept of the white witch is often associated with someone who uses magical powers to benefit others, such as healing the sick and providing protection against negative energies. White Witches are considered wise in their ethical use of abilities and responsibilities. Witchcraft itself does not have a color; it is all about the nature of magic and morality.

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  1. This is not white gold, rather it is called silver that means 'Chandi'. As far as the question is concerned, yes it is permissible for men to wear a ring of silver. Anas bin Malik RA narrates that the Messenger of Allah had a silver ring that he used to wear in His right hand. [Sahih Muslim:2094, SuRead more

    This is not white gold, rather it is called silver that means ‘Chandi’. As far as the question is concerned, yes it is permissible for men to wear a ring of silver.

    Anas bin Malik RA narrates that the Messenger of Allah had a silver ring that he used to wear in His right hand. [Sahih Muslim:2094, Sunan Al-Nasayi:5212 etc.]

    Also, there is another Hadith narrated by Abdullah bin Umar RA that the Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him took a silver ring seeing which the companions also took silver rings to wear. [Muttafaqyn Alaih, Sahih Bukhari:5866, Sahih Muslim:2091].

    Due to such Hadiths, majority of the Scholars permits men to wear silver.

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