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  1. Portugal is predominantly Catholic. The majority of the population in Portugal adheres to the Roman Catholic faith. Catholicism has been the dominant religion in Portugal for centuries, and it continues to be an integral part of the country's culture and identity. While there may be small ProtestantRead more

    Portugal is predominantly Catholic. The majority of the population in Portugal adheres to the Roman Catholic faith. Catholicism has been the dominant religion in Portugal for centuries, and it continues to be an integral part of the country’s culture and identity. While there may be small Protestant and other religious communities in Portugal, they are a minority compared to the Catholic population.

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  1. One of the first major differences between Catholicism and Protestantism is the issue of the sufficiency and authority of Scripture. Protestants believe that the Bible alone is the source of Godโ€™s special revelation to mankind and teaches us all that is necessary for our salvation from sin. ProtestaRead more

    One of the first major differences between Catholicism and Protestantism is the issue of the sufficiency and authority of Scripture. Protestants believe that the Bible alone is the source of Godโ€™s special revelation to mankind and teaches us all that is necessary for our salvation from sin. Protestants view the Bible as the standard by which all Christian behavior must be measured. This belief is commonly referred to as โ€œsola scripturโ€ and is one of the โ€œfiveย solasโ€ (solaย is Latin for โ€œaloneโ€) that came out of the Protestant Reformation as summaries of some of the differences between Catholics and Protestants.

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