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  1. If the spider is poisonous, it is dangerous and should be killed. However, the spiders that generally live in homes do not cause harm or bite. Therefore, they should not be killed. However, their webs should be cleaned away. You will not incur any sin for killing a poisonous spider; rather, you willRead more

    If the spider is poisonous, it is dangerous and should be killed. However, the spiders that generally live in homes do not cause harm or bite. Therefore, they should not be killed. However, their webs should be cleaned away. You will not incur any sin for killing a poisonous spider; rather, you will be rewarded for protecting God’s creatures from harm.

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  1. Exactly. When it comes to food, eating a spider is prohibited (haram). However, if a spider falls into some food and then leaves, the food does not become haram because a spider does not have flowing blood.

    Exactly. When it comes to food, eating a spider is prohibited (haram). However, if a spider falls into some food and then leaves, the food does not become haram because a spider does not have flowing blood.

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  1. LGBT issue is a curse for humanity. It has a black history according to the Islam. In Islam it is haram to intercourse between two man in the back side. The Qawm of Lut (AS) was destroyed for this. Dead Sea is a historical evidence regarding this issue.

    LGBT issue is a curse for humanity. It has a black history according to the Islam. In Islam it is haram to intercourse between two man in the back side. The Qawm of Lut (AS) was destroyed for this. Dead Sea is a historical evidence regarding this issue.

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  1. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    If semen discharges from the private part of a woman due to wet dreams, then shower will be obligatory. If only the dream is seen and semen does not come out, then shower is not required. 'والمعاني الموجبة للغسل إنزال المني على وجه الدفق والشهوة من الرجل والمرأة حالة النوم واليقظة." Al hedaya (The BRead more

    If semen discharges from the private part of a woman due to wet dreams, then shower will be obligatory. If only the dream is seen and semen does not come out, then shower is not required.

    ‘والمعاني الموجبة للغسل إنزال المني على وجه الدفق والشهوة من الرجل والمرأة حالة النوم واليقظة.”
    Al hedaya (The Book of Purity, chapter on washing, vol. 1, p. 31, edition: Rahmaniyah Library
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