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    The worshipper must intend, when he says tasleem at the end of the prayer, that he is saying salam to his right-side followers and angels (malaika), and the second salam to his left-side followers and angels (malaika). He should also have the intention to conclude his prayer and spread peace to theRead more

    The worshipper must intend, when he says tasleem at the end of the prayer, that he is saying salam to his right-side followers and angels (malaika), and the second salam to his left-side followers and angels (malaika). He should also have the intention to conclude his prayer and spread peace to the people around him.

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  1. This answer was improved

    The meaning of "Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem" is "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful." In Islam, every good thing is begun by reciting this Quranic verse. It is a good practice in Islam, and starting any activity without it is considered incomplete because these words hold greatRead more

    The meaning of “Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem” is “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.” In Islam, every good thing is begun by reciting this Quranic verse. It is a good practice in Islam, and starting any activity without it is considered incomplete because these words hold great power according to the Islamic faith. When a Muslim starts to eat, they say “Bismillah,” and every good deed is initiated with this verse.

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  1. نماز کے کل 14 فرائض ہیں ان میں سے 7 شرائط کہلاتے ہیں جو کہ نماز سے پہلے ہیں اور 7 ارکان کہلاتے ہیں جو کہ نماز کے اندر ہیں

    نماز کے کل 14 فرائض ہیں

    ان میں سے 7 شرائط کہلاتے ہیں جو کہ نماز سے پہلے ہیں

    اور 7 ارکان کہلاتے ہیں جو کہ نماز کے اندر ہیں

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  1. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    Animals are generally of two types: land animals and aquatic animals. Eating all aquatic animals except fish is prohibited. At present many are seen, eating frogs, crabs, etc.; It is totally forbidden. Among the fish, it is also permissible to eat dead fish, even if it dies for any reason, such as bRead more

    Animals are generally of two types: land animals and aquatic animals. Eating all aquatic animals except fish is prohibited. At present many are seen, eating frogs, crabs, etc.; It is totally forbidden.

    Among the fish, it is also permissible to eat dead fish, even if it dies for any reason, such as being pulled out of the water, being injured, being poisoned in the water, or being exposed to direct sunlight, etc., it is permissible to eat it until it spoils.

    Yes, eating a fish that dies for no reason is makruh tahrimi. Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said, ‘Eat (fish) thrown into the sea, fish that rise up on dry land. And don’t eat dead fish for no reason. (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 3815)

    And terrestrial animals are three types: one. Those animals, which have no blood, such as mosquitoes, spiders, ants, grasshoppers etc.

    Two. Those animals which have blood but are not blood-flowing animals like snakes, rats etc. From both types of animals, only bloodless locusts are permissible to eat and all others are haraam as they are abominable and inferior.

    Three. Those animals which have flowing blood, such as all kinds of birds and other quadrupeds. They are again of two types: First, birds.

    Eating birds that have paws and claws, such as chiles, vultures, falcons, eagles, etc., is makruh tahrimi. This is also prohibited. And those that do not have claws, i.e. those that take food only with the help of their lips, these are permissible to eat. Of these, those crows which only eat impurity are makruh; But crows that eat mostly grains, insects are halal.

    Second, animals.

    Legally, animals are of two types: Violent animals, which attack and eat by pawing. Eating those animals is forbidden. For example – tiger, lion, fox, dog, cat, monkey, elephant etc.

    The second type is non-violent animals. Of the non-violent animals, those whose parts are ripe, it is permissible to eat them. For example – domesticated cow, goat, buffalo, sheep, camel, dumba. Similar wild animals include wild cow, deer, hare, wild donkey. And those whose whole parts are impure, it is forbidden to eat them. For example, pigs. It is mentioned in the Qur’an, ‘He has forbidden you dead animals, flowing blood, and the flesh of pigs.’ (Surah Baqarah, verse: 173)

    And it is makruh to eat domestic donkeys and all kinds of horses. Apart from this, it is makruh to eat from among the halal animals that are only used to eating impurity. (Badayus Sana’ee 5/35-41, Al Mawswatul Fiqhiyyah: 5/132-148)

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  1. Most Sunni Muslims reject the practice of mut'ah. They believe that although it was permitted during the time of Muhammad, it was subsequently abrogated. To Sunni Muslims, mut'ah is seen as akin to prostitution and is thus considered unacceptable under any circumstances. Conversely, most Shi'a sectsRead more

    Most Sunni Muslims reject the practice of mut’ah. They believe that although it was permitted during the time of Muhammad, it was subsequently abrogated. To Sunni Muslims, mut’ah is seen as akin to prostitution and is thus considered unacceptable under any circumstances. Conversely, most Shi’a sects do not share this interpretation of the Quran and disagree with this stance.

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  1. Qadr night is the night in which Allah subahaanahu wa Ta'la revealed Quran on the prophet. It is a very distinguished night. Allah Seth in the holy Quran that this night is better than 1000 months. On this night Angels and sacred spirits reveal and spread all over the world by the order of Allah. AlRead more

    Qadr night is the night in which Allah subahaanahu wa Ta’la revealed Quran on the prophet. It is a very distinguished night. Allah Seth in the holy Quran that this night is better than 1000 months. On this night Angels and sacred spirits reveal and spread all over the world by the order of Allah. All the night blessings and peace are bestowed by Allah upon his worshippers. The prophet sallallahu alaihi Salam said that those who pass the night  worshipping Allah doing ibadah are forgiven.

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  1. According to various Hadiths and Islamic traditions, after the death of Imam Mahdi, a period of significant events is expected to unfold. Imam Mahdi's rule is often described as a time of unparalleled justice and peace. After his death, there might be a continuation of these conditions for some timeRead more

    According to various Hadiths and Islamic traditions, after the death of Imam Mahdi, a period of significant events is expected to unfold.

    Imam Mahdi’s rule is often described as a time of unparalleled justice and peace. After his death, there might be a continuation of these conditions for some time, sustained by his successors or followers.

    The period following Imam Mahdi’s death and the events involving Dajjal and Prophet Isa is expected to lead into the End Times. This includes the final tribulations and the eventual Day of Judgment, where all individuals will be resurrected and held accountable for their deeds.

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