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  1. The classification of surahs into Makki and Madani is based on their place of revelation. The ones revealed in Makkah are called Makki, and the ones revealed in Madinah are called Madani. Beyond this classification, there are some differences too. Makki surahs mainly consist of themes such as TawheeRead more

    The classification of surahs into Makki and Madani is based on their place of revelation. The ones revealed in Makkah are called Makki, and the ones revealed in Madinah are called Madani. Beyond this classification, there are some differences too. Makki surahs mainly consist of themes such as Tawheed (the oneness of God), prophethood, historical contexts, and stories, while Madani surahs consist of Islamic sharia, laws, and other matters of Islam. This is the main difference between them.

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