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    Islamic teaching instructs Muslims to treat animals with respect and kindness as well as cats. As Prophet Muhammad narrated, a woman was punished in Hellfire for caging a cat without feeding it. And also Hazrat Abu Huraira RZ loved cats for that he was entitled "Abu Huraira" by our beloved Rasool HaRead more

    Islamic teaching instructs Muslims to treat animals with respect and kindness as well as cats. As Prophet Muhammad narrated, a woman was punished in Hellfire for caging a cat without feeding it. And also Hazrat Abu Huraira RZ loved cats for that he was entitled “Abu Huraira” by our beloved Rasool Hazrat Muhammad PBUH.

    I think we love cats due to above-mentioned reasons.

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  1. 1. The Meaning of "Allah is Beautiful and Loves Beauty": This phrase reflects the idea that Allah is the epitome of beauty, perfection, and goodness. It suggests that Allah appreciates and loves beauty in all its forms, whether it's the beauty of creation, acts of kindness, or the beauty of a pure hRead more

    1. The Meaning of “Allah is Beautiful and Loves Beauty”:

    • This phrase reflects the idea that Allah is the epitome of beauty, perfection, and goodness.
    • It suggests that Allah appreciates and loves beauty in all its forms, whether it’s the beauty of creation, acts of kindness, or the beauty of a pure heart.
    • It encourages believers to seek and appreciate beauty in the world while recognizing that Allah is the source of all beauty.

    2. Surah Al-Ikhlas (Chapter 112) – The Oneness of Allah:

    • Surah Al-Ikhlas is a short chapter in the Quran that emphasizes the absolute oneness (Tawheed) of Allah.
    • It states that Allah is unique, eternal, and self-sufficient, with no partners or offspring.
    • It serves as a declaration of monotheism and is often recited by Muslims to reaffirm their belief in the oneness of Allah.

    3. Allah’s Attributes (Sifat) and Names (Asma):

    • Allah is described by numerous attributes (Sifat) and names (Asma) in the Quran and Islamic tradition.
    • Some of the most commonly mentioned attributes include being All-Powerful (Al-Qadir), All-Knowing (Al-`Alim), Most Merciful (Ar-Rahman), and Most Compassionate (Ar-Rahim).
    • These attributes reflect Allah’s nature and characteristics and help believers understand His greatness and qualities.

    4. Tawheed (Monotheism) – The Core Belief in Islam:

    • Tawheed is the central concept in Islam, emphasizing the absolute oneness of Allah.
    • It consists of three aspects:
      • Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah: Acknowledging that Allah is the sole creator, sustainer, and owner of the universe.
      • Tawheed al-Uluhiyyah (Tawheed of Worship): Recognizing that all worship and devotion should be directed exclusively to Allah.
      • Tawheed al-Asma wa-Sifat: Believing in Allah’s unique attributes and names without comparison or similarity to His creation.

    5. The Significance of Tawheed:

    • Tawheed is the foundation of Islamic faith and belief.
    • It calls upon believers to worship and submit to Allah alone, without associating any partners with Him.
    • Tawheed forms the basis of Islamic monotheism, distinguishing it from polytheistic beliefs and emphasizing the absolute oneness and uniqueness of Allah.

    6. Love and Devotion to Allah:

    • Believers are encouraged to love and have a deep devotion to Allah, recognizing His beauty and perfection.
    • This love and devotion manifested through acts of worship, gratitude, obedience, and seeking Allah’s pleasure and mercy.

    Conclusion: “Allah is Beautiful and Loves Beauty” reflects the concept that Allah embodies beauty and appreciates it in His creation. Surah Al-Ikhlas emphasizes the oneness of Allah, and His attributes and names reveal His nature and greatness. Tawheed, the core belief in Islam, underscores the absolute oneness of Allah, guiding believers to worship Him alone. Love and devotion to Allah are central to the Islamic faith, driving believers to seek His pleasure and mercy through righteous actions and a deep connection with the Divine.

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  1. Akhtar Bhai is a famous love problem solution baba ji who has been helping people for decades. He has helped countless couples resolve their issues ranging from love problems to extramarital affairs. He is well known for his spiritual ability of identifying the root cause of any issue and finding poRead more

    Akhtar Bhai is a famous love problem solution baba ji who has been helping people for decades. He has helped countless couples resolve their issues ranging from love problems to extramarital affairs. He is well known for his spiritual ability of identifying the root cause of any issue and finding powerful ways to solve it.

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