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  1. Allah is unparalleled and unequaled. The Holy Quran has described Him in a short statement: لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ ۖ "There is nothing comparable to Him." [Al Shura:11] This verse clearly illustrates that there is nothing like Allah and Allah is not like anything. He is just matchless. In this worRead more

    Allah is unparalleled and unequaled. The Holy Quran has described Him in a short statement:

    لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ ۖ

    “There is nothing comparable to Him.” [Al Shura:11]

    This verse clearly illustrates that there is nothing like Allah and Allah is not like anything. He is just matchless. In this world, we know very little about Him. In the Hereafter, when He will unveil Himself, we will fully know Him and see Him, In Sha Allah.

    Also, it is worth noting that several attributes given to Allah in the Holy Quran resemble human attributes apparently like a hand, face, etc. but Muslim Scholars while interpreting these attributes, do not compare them with human attributes, rather they say:

    كما يليق بشأنه العظيم

    “As His Highness deserves” and some other sentences similar to this.

    Hence, it should be kept in mind that we cannot compare Allah to anything and cannot say that He looks like this thing or that thing.

    Jazak Allah

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