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  1. Akhtar Bhai
    Best Answer
    Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer WhatsApp: +923226690723

    Seeking guidance from Allah is Istikhara. Istikhara in Islam is performed when making decisions in matters that are neither necessary nor prohibited. For example, one does not need to seek Allah guidance through Istikhara when deciding whether to perform Hajj if financially and physically able, as HRead more

    Seeking guidance from Allah is Istikhara. Istikhara in Islam is performed when making decisions in matters that are neither necessary nor prohibited. For example, one does not need to seek Allah guidance through Istikhara when deciding whether to perform Hajj if financially and physically able, as Hajj is a compulsory act.

    However, Istikhara is appropriate and recommended in other permissible matters where a choice needs to be made, such as buying something, accepting a job offer, or selecting a spouse. It is a way to seek Allah guidance and blessings in making these decisions, ensuring they align with Allah will and bring about goodness and benefit.

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