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  1. Akhtar Bhai
    Best Answer

    The author of the Quran is believed to be Allah himself, as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) through the Angel Jibreel over the course of 23 years. It was revealed in stages so that Muhammad would have time to read and understand it fully, before memorizingRead more

    The author of the Quran is believed to be Allah himself, as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) through the Angel Jibreel over the course of 23 years.

    It was revealed in stages so that Muhammad would have time to read and understand it fully, before memorizing it and passing it on to his followers who would then write it down and pass it on for future generations.

    Muslims believe that the Quran is exactly what Allah sent down without any change, addition or reduction of its content over time, which makes it unique among all other scriptures in existence today.

    Many people throughout history have studied and written tafseers on the Quran, contexts, symbolism etc. However, none of them were involved in writing (or creating) it itself. They were just interpreting or analyzing its contents through their own eyes and understanding.

    Historically there are many individuals who contributed immensely towards preserving, protecting and transmitting Quranic knowledge from one generation to another through writing books about all aspects related to Quranic sciences such as Hadith (Prophet Muhammadโ€™s sayings), Tafsir (commentary of ayat), Fiqh (comprehensive Islamic law) etc.

    However, ultimately it is only Allah who alone holds ultimate authorship rights for the Holy Quran scripture. The Holy Quran has been taught directly from Him to humanity more than thousand years until today.

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  1. Akhtar Bhai
    Best Answer

    Islam was founded in the 7th century CE (Christian Era) by the Prophet Muhammad. Before Islam, the Arab people were polytheistic and believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses. Muhammad was born into a wealthy family in Mecca and was orphaned at a young age. He was raised by his uncle, who was a sRead more

    Islam was founded in the 7th century CE (Christian Era) by the Prophet Muhammad. Before Islam, the Arab people were polytheistic and believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses. Muhammad was born into a wealthy family in Mecca and was orphaned at a young age. He was raised by his uncle, who was a successful merchant. As a young man, Muhammad worked as a camel driver and later as a business manager for a wealthy widow. He married a woman named Khadija and had several children with her.

    In his early 30s, Muhammad began having religious visions and hearing voices. He believed that he was a messenger of God and that he had been chosen to deliver a new message to the people of Arabia. Muhammad began preaching his message in Mecca and quickly gained a following. He and his followers were persecuted by the non-believers at that time.

    The Start of a New Era: When Islam Was Started

    According to Islamic teachings, Muhammad is the final prophet of God and God is one. Muslims believe in the Quran, which is the holy book of Islam, and they practice the five pillars of Islam.
    Islam is a major force in the world today, and it is set to continue to grow in the coming years. This is due in part to the increasing global population of Muslims, but also due to the fact that more and more people are converting to Islam each year. With so many people practicing Islam, it is clear that it is a religion that is here to stay.

    The Origins of Islam: A Historical Timeline

    It is also one of the most complex and nuanced, with a long and rich history. In this article, we’ll take a look at the origins of Islam, tracing its history back to its roots.

    The exact circumstances of its founding are disputed, but the two most commonly cited figures are the Prophet Muhammad and his son-in-law Ali. According to tradition, Muhammad began receiving revelations from the angel Gabriel in 610 CE, and soon after, he began preaching to the people of Mecca. His message was simple: there is only one God, and all humans are equal in his eyes.

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  1. Akhtar Bhai
    Best Answer

    Islam is a monotheistic religion founded on the life and teachings of Muhammad, a prophet who flourished in the 7th century CE in the Arabian Peninsula, where Islam was founded. About 1.5 billion people call Islam their religion of choice. Islam is more than a faith; it's a way of life that directsRead more

    Islam is a monotheistic religion founded on the life and teachings of Muhammad, a prophet who flourished in the 7th century CE in the Arabian Peninsula, where Islam was founded. About 1.5 billion people call Islam their religion of choice.

    Islam is more than a faith; it’s a way of life that directs its followers to do what Allah wants (God). Islam’s essential doctrines include the belief in the oneness of God, the recognition of the prophethood of Muhammad, and the Quran as the revealed word of God. Sunni and Shia are the two major divisions within Islam.

    Most Muslims are Sunni, whereas Shia is the second-largest sect of Islam. In the eyes of Muslims, there will come a Day of Judgment when all people will be brought to account for their deeds in this world. And they think that others trust in Allah, prayer, and good deeds; there is no other way to go to heaven.

    I am about to explain the question, when Islam was founded?

    As a result of the first revelation given to the prophet Muhammad when he was 40, the year 610 is considered the beginning of Islam’s religion. This monumental occasion, which is referred to as the Night of Power, is what initiated the practice of Islam all over the globe.

    Muhammad and his followers disseminated the teachings of Islam over the Arabian Peninsula, ultimately leading to change in the region and, in the long run, the whole world. The teachings of Muhammad, which later became known as the Quran, laid the groundwork for a new religion and way of life.

    The fundamental ethical and moral teachings of Islam and instructions on how to conduct oneself when interacting with others may be found in the book known as the Holy Quran. It also covers legislation regarding social and political concerns, such as womenโ€™s rights, among other things.

    The efforts of the prophet Muhammad and those who followed in his footsteps were primarily responsible for the spread of Islam. Early adherents of Islam embarked on missionary journeys to far-flung regions to disseminate the Quranโ€™s teachings and introduce others to their religion. Their conviction that it was Allah’s will to propagate the message of Islam to every region of the earth was a driving force behind their actions.

    Those who converted to Islam were given not only a new way of thinking but also a new way of living because of the teachings of Islam. It offered a standard of ethics and morals that significantly influenced the civilizations and cultures with which it interacted.

    In addition, it fostered a feeling of community among its adherents because they all shared the same religious convictions and overarching objective, which was to disseminate the principles outlined in the Quran. The global community was profoundly altered due to the rapid growth of Islam.

    Those that adhered to it were given a new way of thinking and living, in addition to a heightened feeling of self-awareness and oneness in their group. It also served as a forum for sharing cultural traditions and promoting mutual understanding among individuals from various areas.

    Its influence is still being felt in many different regions of the globe today, and it has had an enduring impact on the development of history. A new era in the history of the world started in 610 when Islam was first established.

    It was a time of religious, cultural, and political revolution that significantly influenced the world. The teachings of Muhammad, which are recorded in the Quran, offered a set of fundamental ideas and concepts that have influenced the way of life for millions of people all over the globe. The propagation of Islam has had a long-lasting impact on the world and continues to influence our lives to this day.

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