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  1. The primary purpose of exams is to assess a student's performance and determine their abilities. However, if a student cheats and copies during an exam, they violate the principles of examination. This act constitutes deceit and betrayal, and it also wrongs all those students who have diligently preRead more

    The primary purpose of exams is to assess a student’s performance and determine their abilities. However, if a student cheats and copies during an exam, they violate the principles of examination. This act constitutes deceit and betrayal, and it also wrongs all those students who have diligently prepared and honestly taken their exams. Therefore, for all these reasons, cheating in exams is legally and morally prohibited.

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  1. Praising Allah before making dua: you can praise Allah before making your dua in these way: Recite His Names and Attributes Praise Him for His Creation and Blessings Send Blessings Upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Read Qur'anic Verses and Prophetic Duas

    Praising Allah before making dua: you can praise Allah before making your dua in these way:

    • Recite His Names and Attributes
    • Praise Him for His Creation and Blessings
    • Send Blessings Upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
    • Read Qur’anic Verses and Prophetic Duas
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  1. Yes. If you are performing an obligatory prayer behind an Imam and the Imam prolongs sajda, you can make dua during that time. However, if the Imam raises his head from sajda, you must follow him and rise as well. If you are performing the obligatory prayer alone, you can make the duas as long as yoRead more


    • If you are performing an obligatory prayer behind an Imam and the Imam prolongs sajda, you can make dua during that time. However, if the Imam raises his head from sajda, you must follow him and rise as well.
    • If you are performing the obligatory prayer alone, you can make the duas as long as you wish.
    • Similarly, if you are leading the prayer as the Imam, you can make duas, but it is better not to prolong them excessively out of consideration for the followers.
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  1. Although you can make dua during various parts of the prayer, such as in ruku or sajda and Surah Al-Fatiha itself is a dua, but the best time to make dua during prayer is while seated in the final sitting (Qa'dah Akheerah). After reciting the Tashahhud, then recite the Durood Shareef, and after thatRead more

    Although you can make dua during various parts of the prayer, such as in ruku or sajda and Surah Al-Fatiha itself is a dua, but the best time to make dua during prayer is while seated in the final sitting (Qa’dah Akheerah). After reciting the Tashahhud, then recite the Durood Shareef, and after that, make the dua prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

    It is recommended to make the duas taught by the Prophet (SAW) and to recite those found in the Quran. One should avoid making dua solely for worldly desires, greed, or avarice, and should not make dua for anything sinful. Since in Farz prayers, Muqtadi is bound by the recitation of the Imam, it is advisable to make more Duas during Nawafil.

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  1. Islam certainly outlines rules regarding slavery, but it does not insist on it. Islam specifies how slaves should be treated, ensuring their welfare and defining their social status. These details are provided, but they fall under permissibility (ibahah), meaning Islam provides guidelines for it asRead more

    Islam certainly outlines rules regarding slavery, but it does not insist on it. Islam specifies how slaves should be treated, ensuring their welfare and defining their social status. These details are provided, but they fall under permissibility (ibahah), meaning Islam provides guidelines for it as an optional matter rather than a mandatory obligation. This is why, for nearly 250 years, no Muslim scholar has insisted on slavery. In fact, when a group recently attempted to reintroduce slavery, all scholars united in opposition to it. This demonstrates that while Islam provides regulations for slavery, it does not promote or encourage the practice of enslaving people.

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  1. According to Quran the person who believe on Allah and accept his prophet Muhammad Mustafa sallaho Ali hi WA salam as his  last messenger and accept the basic of Islam and didn't deny any nessary message of Islam he is eligible for jannah.

    According to Quran the person who believe on Allah and accept his prophet Muhammad Mustafa sallaho Ali hi WA salam as his  last messenger and accept the basic of Islam and didn’t deny any nessary message of Islam he is eligible for jannah.

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  1. According to Islamic principles there is no discrimination between the tall or short, white or black and whatever is the material characteristics that differs. Allah look directly into your heart and the deeds you do. Allah said in Holy Quran: "O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a feRead more

    According to Islamic principles there is no discrimination between the tall or short, white or black and whatever is the material characteristics that differs. Allah look directly into your heart and the deeds you do. Allah said in Holy Quran: “O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware.”

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  1. If the tattoo does not prevent water from reaching the body during ablution (wudu) or ritual bathing (ghusl), then wudu and ghusl are valid. Otherwise, it is necessary to remove it and then perform wudu or ghusl.

    If the tattoo does not prevent water from reaching the body during ablution (wudu) or ritual bathing (ghusl), then wudu and ghusl are valid. Otherwise, it is necessary to remove it and then perform wudu or ghusl.

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  1. Getting tattoos and engraving the body are prohibited and haram in Islam. Therefore, one should never get a tattoo. However, if someone got a tattoo in their childhood or out of ignorance, they should sincerely repent to Allah. If it is possible to remove the tattoo, they should do so through medicaRead more

    Getting tattoos and engraving the body are prohibited and haram in Islam. Therefore, one should never get a tattoo. However, if someone got a tattoo in their childhood or out of ignorance, they should sincerely repent to Allah. If it is possible to remove the tattoo, they should do so through medical treatment. If they sincerely repent, Allah will forgive this sin and grant them entry into Paradise, insha’Allah. In Paradise, the tattoo will naturally disappear.

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  1. There is no explicit verse in the Quran prohibiting tattoos. However, the prohibition is clearly mentioned in the Hadiths. Some references are as follows: Sahih Bukhari, Hadith number: 2086 Sahih Bukhari, Hadith number: 2238 Sahih Bukhari, Hadith number: 5942 Sahih Muslim, Hadith number: 5571 SunanRead more

    There is no explicit verse in the Quran prohibiting tattoos. However, the prohibition is clearly mentioned in the Hadiths. Some references are as follows:

    1. Sahih Bukhari, Hadith number: 2086
    2. Sahih Bukhari, Hadith number: 2238
    3. Sahih Bukhari, Hadith number: 5942
    4. Sahih Muslim, Hadith number: 5571
    5. Sunan an-Nasa’i, Hadith number: 5104
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