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  1. In Islam, Zina refers to unlawful sexual intercourse or adultery and is considered a major sin. It involves engaging in sexual relations outside of a lawful marriage. Zina encompasses a range of sexual acts and situations, and its prohibition is clear in Islamic teachings. Here are some key aspectsRead more

    In Islam, Zina refers to unlawful sexual intercourse or adultery and is considered a major sin. It involves engaging in sexual relations outside of a lawful marriage. Zina encompasses a range of sexual acts and situations, and its prohibition is clear in Islamic teachings. Here are some key aspects of what constitutes Zina in Islam: Extramarital Relations: Zina includes any sexual activity between individuals who are not married to each other. This can involve premarital sex, adultery (sexual relations between a married person and someone who is not their spouse), and fornication (sexual relations between unmarried individuals). Consensual or Non-consensual: Whether consensual or non-consensual, any sexual activity outside of a lawful marriage is considered Zina. Non-consensual sexual activity, such as rape, is a grave crime and a major sin in Islam. Prohibited Relationships: Zina also applies to sexual relations between individuals who are prohibited from marrying each other, such as close blood relatives (incest) or those already in a prohibited marriage relationship (e.g., a person in an existing marriage engaging in extramarital affairs). Punishment: Under Islamic law (Sharia), the punishment for Zina can vary depending on the circumstances and the legal system in place. In some Islamic countries, it may be punishable by flogging or stoning to death for married individuals involved in adultery. However, these punishments are applied inconsistently and depend on local interpretations of Islamic law. Repentance: Islam encourages individuals who have committed Zina to sincerely repent and seek forgiveness from Allah. True remorse, a commitment to cease the sinful behavior, and seeking Allah’s forgiveness are essential elements of repentance. It’s important to note that while Zina is prohibited in Islam, the religion also emphasizes the importance of compassion, mercy, and forgiveness. Muslims who have committed Zina are encouraged to turn to Allah in sincere repentance and seek His forgiveness. Additionally, matters related to legal punishments for Zina are subject to interpretation and implementation by Islamic legal authorities and may vary in different regions.

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