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  1. The Quran is the holy book of Islam, believed by Muslims to be the word of Allah as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW through the angel Gabriel A.S. It serves as a guide for spiritual and moral living, containing teachings, laws, and principles for Muslims to follow.

    The Quran is the holy book of Islam, believed by Muslims to be the word of Allah as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW through the angel Gabriel A.S. It serves as a guide for spiritual and moral living, containing teachings, laws, and principles for Muslims to follow.

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  1. The Quran and the Bible are both sacred texts but are associated with different religions and have some fundamental differences: Religious Tradition Content Language Organization Authorship Central Figure

    The Quran and the Bible are both sacred texts but are associated with different religions and have some fundamental differences:

    Religious Tradition





    Central Figure

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  1. There are not any specific supplications to be offered at finishing of the Quran. However finishing of one whole Quran is a blessed time so one should try to make duas and ask for forgiveness at this time.

    There are not any specific supplications to be offered at finishing of the Quran. However finishing of one whole Quran is a blessed time so one should try to make duas and ask for forgiveness at this time.

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  1. Ahlul Kitab, which translates to "People of the Book" in Arabic, is a term used in Islam to refer to religious communities that have received and follow a divine scripture. In particular, Ahlul Kitab typically refers to Jews and Christians. These two Abrahamic faiths are considered "People of the BoRead more

    Ahlul Kitab, which translates to “People of the Book” in Arabic, is a term used in Islam to refer to religious communities that have received and follow a divine scripture. In particular, Ahlul Kitab typically refers to Jews and Christians. These two Abrahamic faiths are considered “People of the Book” because they possess their own holy scriptures: the Torah for Jews and the Bible (which includes the Old and New Testaments) for Christians.The concept of Ahlul Kitab is significant in Islamic theology because Muslims are encouraged to engage with and show respect to the followers of these faiths due to their shared belief in monotheism and the possession of divine scriptures. While there are theological differences between these religions, there is also a recognition of common ground in terms of belief in one God and certain moral principles.In Islamic law, there are specific rules and guidelines regarding interactions with Ahlul Kitab, such as the permissibility of marrying Jewish or Christian individuals and the acceptability of consuming food prepared by them, among others. These rules are intended to facilitate peaceful coexistence and promote understanding among different religious communities

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  1. In Islam, there is a difference of opinion among scholars regarding whether menstruating women can read or touch the Quran or other holy books during their menstrual period. This issue is subject to varying interpretations and cultural practices within the Muslim community. Here are some key pointsRead more

    In Islam, there is a difference of opinion among scholars regarding whether menstruating women can read or touch the Quran or other holy books during their menstrual period. This issue is subject to varying interpretations and cultural practices within the Muslim community. Here are some key points to consider: Some Scholars Permit It: Some scholars and schools of thought within Islam permit menstruating women to read or touch the Quran. They argue that there is no specific prohibition in the Quran or authentic Hadith that prevents women from doing so. Some Scholars Discourage It: Other scholars recommend that menstruating women avoid touching or reading the Quran during their period. They base this recommendation on the idea of maintaining ritual purity (taharah) while engaging with the Quran. This perspective is often associated with more conservative interpretations. Cultural and Regional Variations: Practices regarding this issue can vary among different cultures and regions within the Muslim world. Some communities may be more lenient, while others may be more conservative in their approach. Personal Choice: Ultimately, it can be a matter of personal choice and religious conviction. Some women may choose to continue reading the Quran and engaging with religious texts during their menstrual period, while others may prefer to refrain out of respect for differing scholarly opinions. It’s important to note that the issue of whether menstruating women can read or touch the Quran is a matter of interpretation and scholarly debate within Islam. What is considered acceptable may vary among individuals and communities. It is advisable for women to seek guidance from a trusted religious scholar or authority within their specific Islamic tradition or community to make an informed decision that aligns with their beliefs and practices.

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  1. The Old Testament and the New Testament are two distinct sections of the Christian Bible, and they have several key differences. 1- Religious Tradition: Old Testament: The Old Testament is primarily a collection of religious texts and scriptures that are sacred to Judaism. It includes books such asRead more

    The Old Testament and the New Testament are two distinct sections of the Christian Bible, and they have several key differences. 1- Religious Tradition: Old Testament: The Old Testament is primarily a collection of religious texts and scriptures that are sacred to Judaism. It includes books such as Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, and Isaiah. These texts form the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh, which is the central religious scripture of Judaism. New Testament: The New Testament is exclusively part of the Christian Bible and contains writings that are considered sacred by Christians. It includes the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), the Acts of the Apostles, various letters (epistles) written by apostles like Paul, and the Book of Revelation.2. Time Period: Old Testament: The Old Testament contains texts that were written before the birth of Jesus Christ and covers events and teachings in ancient Israel. New Testament: The New Testament focuses on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the early Christian Church. It was written in the 1st century CE 3. Religious Beliefs: Old Testament: The Old Testament is the foundational scripture of Judaism and contains the core beliefs, history, and laws of the Jewish faith.New Testament: The New Testament is central to Christian beliefs and provides accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus, the promise of salvation through faith in Him, and the establishment of the Christian Church. As for whether Jews consider the New Testament to be holy, the answer is generally no. The New Testament is not considered a sacred text in Judaism. Jews primarily adhere to the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and the Talmud, which are the core religious texts of their faith. While the New Testament contains some elements of Jewish history and tradition, it is a distinctly Christian scripture and is not recognized as holy by Jewish religious authorities. It’s important to note that there can be respectful dialogue and cooperation between members of different religious traditions, but each religion maintains its own distinct sacred texts and beliefs.

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  1. 1. Changes in the Christian Bible: The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament (also known as the Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament. It has undergone various translations and editions over the centuries. There have been different versions and translations of the Bible, but the core teachingsRead more

    1. Changes in the Christian Bible:

    • The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament (also known as the Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament. It has undergone various translations and editions over the centuries.
    • There have been different versions and translations of the Bible, but the core teachings and content have remained largely consistent. Major changes or revisions to the content are relatively rare.

    2. Christian Belief in Divine Revelation:

    • Christians believe that the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, contains divinely inspired revelations from God to various prophets and apostles over a long period of time.
    • Unlike the Quran, which Muslims believe was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over 23 years ago, the Christian Bible was written by multiple authors over many centuries.

    3. Christian Scholars and Theologians:

    • Christian scholars and theologians have played a significant role in interpreting and preserving the Bible’s teachings.
    • Various denominations and traditions within Christianity may have different perspectives on specific theological matters or interpretations of the Bible.

    4. Stability of Christian Beliefs:

    • While there have been variations in Christian interpretations and practices over time, the core beliefs in the divinity of Jesus Christ, the Trinity, and the salvation of humanity through Jesus’ sacrifice have remained central to Christianity.

    5. Role of Church Councils:

    • Church councils, such as the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, played a role in establishing key theological doctrines and confirming the canon of the New Testament.

    6. Comparison with Quranic Revelation:

    • The Quran is considered by Muslims to be the final and complete revelation, given to the Prophet Muhammad by God over a span of 23 years.
    • Unlike the Bible, which spans centuries and includes multiple authors, the Quran is believed to be a direct and unaltered revelation in its original Arabic text.

    In summary, the Christian Bible has undergone various translations and editions over time, but its core teachings have remained largely consistent. Christianity, unlike Islam, does not claim that the Bible was revealed in a specific chronological order over a set period. The Quran, in contrast, is believed by Muslims to be a direct and complete revelation given to the Prophet Muhammad over 23 years.

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  1. The permissibility of insurance (Takaful) in Islam can vary depending on the specific type of insurance and how it is structured. In general, conventional insurance involving interest (riba) and gambling (maysir) is considered haram (forbidden) in Islamic finance principles. This is because it involRead more

    The permissibility of insurance (Takaful) in Islam can vary depending on the specific type of insurance and how it is structured. In general, conventional insurance involving interest (riba) and gambling (maysir) is considered haram (forbidden) in Islamic finance principles. This is because it involves elements that are contrary to Islamic ethics.However, Islamic insurance, known as Takaful, is designed to comply with Islamic principles. In Takaful, participants contribute money into a common fund to help each other in times of need, and any surplus is distributed in a way that avoids interest and gambling. Takaful is generally considered halal as it aligns with Islamic principles of cooperation, risk-sharing, and social responsibility.It’s important to note that the permissibility of specific insurance products can still be a subject of debate among Islamic scholars, and interpretations may vary. It’s advisable to consult with a knowledgeable Islamic scholar or a financial advisor with expertise in Islamic finance for guidance on specific insurance products.

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