1. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    If semen discharges from the private part of a woman due to wet dreams, then shower will be obligatory. If only the dream is seen and semen does not come out, then shower is not required. 'والمعاني الموجبة للغسل إنزال المني على وجه الدفق والشهوة من الرجل والمرأة حالة النوم واليقظة." Al hedaya (The BRead more

    If semen discharges from the private part of a woman due to wet dreams, then shower will be obligatory. If only the dream is seen and semen does not come out, then shower is not required.

    ‘والمعاني الموجبة للغسل إنزال المني على وجه الدفق والشهوة من الرجل والمرأة حالة النوم واليقظة.”
    Al hedaya (The Book of Purity, chapter on washing, vol. 1, p. 31, edition: Rahmaniyah Library
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  2. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    If you have Wet dreams while you are fasting, there will be no harm in fasting. Because it is not voluntary or under control. In this case, the fast should be completed naturally. No Qaza or Kaffara will be required. But bathing will be obligatory. Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) said, Rasulullah (S.A.W.) sRead more

    If you have Wet dreams while you are fasting, there will be no harm in fasting. Because it is not voluntary or under control. In this case, the fast should be completed naturally. No Qaza or Kaffara will be required. But bathing will be obligatory.

    Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) said, Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said, “Three things do not break the fast – vomiting, snoring and dreaming.”  (Bayhaqi, Shuabul Iman, 4/264; Addurrul Mukhtar: 2/396)

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  3. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    There is a difference of opinion among the scholars about leaving the hair during Salat.  A group of Ulama called it mustahab or good. they might have written it because of the following hadith:   قال رسول الله صلعم : أُمِرْتُ أَنْ أَسْجُدَ عَلَى سَبْعَةِ أَعْظُمٍ, وَلَا أَكُفَّ ثَوْبًا وَلَا شَعْرًRead more

    There is a difference of opinion among the scholars about leaving the hair during Salat.  A group of Ulama called it mustahab or good.

    they might have written it because of the following hadith:

      قال رسول الله صلعم : أُمِرْتُ أَنْ أَسْجُدَ عَلَى سَبْعَةِ أَعْظُمٍ, وَلَا أَكُفَّ ثَوْبًا وَلَا شَعْرًا».

     ” Rasulollah (pbh) said: I was ordered to prostrate on seven limbs and not to tie my clothes or hair in prayer.” – Sahih Bukhari: 816, Sahih Muslim: 490

    The prohibition stated in this hadith applies to men.  Women are not included in this hadith.

    If one braids his hair before praying or has already done so, it is not obligatory for him to leave the hair.

     However, it is not obligatory that because of this the prayer will be makruh or the prayer will be invalidated or the virtue of the prayer will be reduced.  Such matters are not mandatory.

    If one ties or looses his hair before prayer, in both cases his hair should be covered.  If you tie your hair first, then the prayer will be purified, and if you leave your hair and cover it, then the prayer will also be purified.

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  4. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    The significance of the Qur'an being revealed in Arabic is that Mecca is at the center of the earth. The language there is Arabic. So the Qur'an was revealed in Arabic, the central language, so that Arabic speakers could understand it first. And other speakers can understand the Qur'an through them.Read more

    The significance of the Qur’an being revealed in Arabic is that Mecca is at the center of the earth. The language there is Arabic. So the Qur’an was revealed in Arabic, the central language, so that Arabic speakers could understand it first. And other speakers can understand the Qur’an through them.In this regard, Allah Ta’ala says, ‘It is a blessed book which I have sent down. It is a supporter of the previous heavenly books, so that you may warn the people of the center of the townships (Mecca) and its surroundings through it. Those who believe in the Hereafter, believe in it also, and they maintain their prayers perfectly.’ (Surah: An’am, verse: 92)

    There are thousands of languages ​​in the world.

    It was not difficult for Allah to send down the Qur’an in their respective languages, considering the country, time and nation.

     However, there are many reasons why the Qur’an was revealed in Arabic—

    One. When the forefather Hazrat Adam (A.S.) was in Paradise, his language was Arabic, he used to speak Arabic in the world as well.

    Two. From Adam (pbuh) to Muhammad (pbuh) all the Sahifas or books that were revealed to all the Prophets of the world were in Arabic. Considering the country, time and nation, Gabriel (A.S.) translated it to every prophet and revealed it in their language. That is, the original language of all Asmani books was Arabic. (Al-Itqan fi Ulumil Qur’an)

    Three. In a hadith narrated by a weak source, the language of Paradise will be Arabic.

    Four. One of the characteristics of the Arabic language is that there are many ways to express feelings in this language.

    Five. By nature, Allah Ta’ala has associated all people with the Arabic language. As a result, everyone can easily learn the language according to their needs. Therefore, whenever the Sahaba went to a new region with the invitation of Islam, the people there also mastered the language along with accepting Islam. As a result, beyond the borders of Mecca and Medina, Arabic became the national language of various countries including Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Mauritania, Egypt, Iraq. But none of these had Arabic as their national language. Because of these features, Arabic was chosen as the language of the Qur’an.

    The Holy Qur’an and Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) have been revealed for the time till Qiyaamat. In this case a language is selected. Had the Qur’an been revealed in multiple languages, the misinterpretation and confusion of the Qur’an would have increased. He used the Qur’an as he pleased.

    As the Qur’an was revealed in only one language, that path was blocked. Therefore the foundation of greater unity has been established as the Qur’an was revealed in one language. (Tafseer Ma’areful Qur’an)

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  5. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    After faith, prayer is the main pillar of Islam. This prayer is obligatory worship for people and the second pillar of Islam. Allah Ta'ala has made prayer five times a day obligatory for people. Namaz has far-reaching effects and benefits in people's daily life, which are highlighted below- By estabRead more

    After faith, prayer is the main pillar of Islam. This prayer is obligatory worship for people and the second pillar of Islam. Allah Ta’ala has made prayer five times a day obligatory for people. Namaz has far-reaching effects and benefits in people’s daily life, which are highlighted below-

    By establishing prayers that remove obscenity and injustice,
    social order is improved by eradicating obscenity and injustice from individual and social life. Allah says, ‘Surely prayer prevents from indecent and unjust actions.’

    Equality and unity
    establish equality by reducing the distance between high and low, rich and poor in the society through praying in congregation. In addition, the unity of the Muslim society is developed through prayers.

    Sense of responsibility and awareness of time
    All people are aware of time and responsibility by offering prayers at the appointed time every day.

    Leadership and Loyalty
    A sense of loyalty to the imams and muktadis is awakened in every person of the society who prays in congregation.

    Creation of mutual cooperation
    The quality of cooperation of people towards the society is created through the construction and maintenance of mosques for prayers.

    Formation of Devotion and Concentration
    Devotion and concentration are formed among people through regular prayers.

    People with good character
    Will get good qualities by praying five times a day, which is useful in building a beautiful society.

    Through self-restraint
    Regular prayer and proper use of prayer rules, recklessness and recklessness are eliminated in people. Every activity in society has the opportunity to do slow controlled work.

    There are many more thinks of prayer in people’s daily life. Regular prayers will gather these important qualities among people, which play an important role in building a beautiful society for people.

    May Allah Ta’ala grant the Muslim Ummah the Tawfiq to acquire the mentioned qualities by offering the prayers on time to every person in the society to possess beautiful and good qualities. Amen.

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  6. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    Animals are generally of two types: land animals and aquatic animals. Eating all aquatic animals except fish is prohibited. At present many are seen, eating frogs, crabs, etc.; It is totally forbidden. Among the fish, it is also permissible to eat dead fish, even if it dies for any reason, such as bRead more

    Animals are generally of two types: land animals and aquatic animals. Eating all aquatic animals except fish is prohibited. At present many are seen, eating frogs, crabs, etc.; It is totally forbidden.

    Among the fish, it is also permissible to eat dead fish, even if it dies for any reason, such as being pulled out of the water, being injured, being poisoned in the water, or being exposed to direct sunlight, etc., it is permissible to eat it until it spoils.

    Yes, eating a fish that dies for no reason is makruh tahrimi. Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said, ‘Eat (fish) thrown into the sea, fish that rise up on dry land. And don’t eat dead fish for no reason. (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 3815)

    And terrestrial animals are three types: one. Those animals, which have no blood, such as mosquitoes, spiders, ants, grasshoppers etc.

    Two. Those animals which have blood but are not blood-flowing animals like snakes, rats etc. From both types of animals, only bloodless locusts are permissible to eat and all others are haraam as they are abominable and inferior.

    Three. Those animals which have flowing blood, such as all kinds of birds and other quadrupeds. They are again of two types: First, birds.

    Eating birds that have paws and claws, such as chiles, vultures, falcons, eagles, etc., is makruh tahrimi. This is also prohibited. And those that do not have claws, i.e. those that take food only with the help of their lips, these are permissible to eat. Of these, those crows which only eat impurity are makruh; But crows that eat mostly grains, insects are halal.

    Second, animals.

    Legally, animals are of two types: Violent animals, which attack and eat by pawing. Eating those animals is forbidden. For example – tiger, lion, fox, dog, cat, monkey, elephant etc.

    The second type is non-violent animals. Of the non-violent animals, those whose parts are ripe, it is permissible to eat them. For example – domesticated cow, goat, buffalo, sheep, camel, dumba. Similar wild animals include wild cow, deer, hare, wild donkey. And those whose whole parts are impure, it is forbidden to eat them. For example, pigs. It is mentioned in the Qur’an, ‘He has forbidden you dead animals, flowing blood, and the flesh of pigs.’ (Surah Baqarah, verse: 173)

    And it is makruh to eat domestic donkeys and all kinds of horses. Apart from this, it is makruh to eat from among the halal animals that are only used to eating impurity. (Badayus Sana’ee 5/35-41, Al Mawswatul Fiqhiyyah: 5/132-148)

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  7. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    Let it be clear that adultery is a major sin, if the girl with whom he has committed adultery even marries her later, the sin of adultery will not end simply by marrying, but if he regrets his act and repents before Allah with a sincere heart. If it is done and a firm determination is made not to coRead more

    Let it be clear that adultery is a major sin, if the girl with whom he has committed adultery even marries her later, the sin of adultery will not end simply by marrying, but if he regrets his act and repents before Allah with a sincere heart. If it is done and a firm determination is made not to commit this sin in the future, then there is a strong hope from Allah Almighty that He will forgive.

    The Messenger of God said: “The one who repents from a sin is like one who has no sin.( kitab al zuhud 1419/2 darul kotob al ilmiah)

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  8. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    Eye drops or liquid medicine can be used while fasting. It will not break the fast. It does not include food. It also does not serve the purpose of drinking. According to modern medical science, there is no direct route from the eye to the stomach. So eye drops can be used during fasting. Although tRead more

    Eye drops or liquid medicine can be used while fasting. It will not break the fast. It does not include food. It also does not serve the purpose of drinking. According to modern medical science, there is no direct route from the eye to the stomach. So eye drops can be used during fasting. Although there is a danger of it going down the throat, the jurists have called it permissible due to the direct issue in the hadith.

    Rasulullah (s.a.w.) used Surma on his eyes while fasting. The use of eye drops is similar to eye drops. Ayesha (R.A.) said, “The Prophet (S.A.W.) used surma on his eyes while fasting.” (Ibn Majah, Hadith: 1687)

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  9. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    Translation of subhana rabbi al azim is “Glory be to my Lord Almighty”. This is one of his ninety names Al Azeem (The Great One, The Mighty, The One deserving the attributes of Exaltment).

    Translation of subhana rabbi al azim is “Glory be to my Lord Almighty”. This is one of his ninety names Al Azeem (The Great One, The Mighty, The One deserving the attributes of Exaltment).

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  10. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    It is Sunnah to recite Tasbeeh (Subhaan Rabbi al azim) at least three times while prostrating in prayer, the middle level is to recite it five times and the highest level is to recite it seven times.  However, reciting the Tasbih less than three times will not fulfill the Sunnah, rather the prayer wRead more

    It is Sunnah to recite Tasbeeh (Subhaan Rabbi al azim) at least three times while prostrating in prayer, the middle level is to recite it five times and the highest level is to recite it seven times.  However, reciting the Tasbih less than three times will not fulfill the Sunnah, rather the prayer will be Makruh.

    Any amount of reading more than three is permissible and due to excess, there is reward , however, it should end with an odd number (3, 5, 7, 9, etc.).

    There is an order for the imam to reduce the duties and offer a light prayer, so the imam should respect the worshipers and not recite such long tasbihs in the bowing and prostration that it burdens the worshipers and makes them angry.

    The jurists have written that it is better for the imam to recite tasbihat five times while bowing and prostrating; So that the devotees get the opportunity to read the Tasbih at least three times with satisfaction.

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