Introduction: Zina in Islam refers to the act of sexual intercourse or relations between two who are not legally married to each other. This article explores the concept of Zina, its references in the Quran, potential medical side effects, and ...
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Understanding Niqab, Modesty, and Islamic Burial Practices
Introduction: The topic of the niqab (a face veil) in Islam and related matters of modesty, cultural influences, and Islamic burial practices is multifaceted and subject to varying interpretations. This article will address these points one by one to provide ...

The Remarkable Case of Muhammad bin Marsal – A Tale of Justice and Mercy
The Remarkable Case of Muhammad bin Marsal – A Tale of Justice and Mercy Introduction: Muhammad bin Marsal, a young man from the city of Najran in Saudi Arabia, found himself entangled in a tragic incident that would not only ...

Balancing Religious Devotion and Family Responsibilities in Islam
Balancing Religious Devotion and Family Responsibilities in Islam Introduction: In Islam, there is a profound emphasis on the balance between religious devotion and familial responsibilities. This article explores the guidance provided by Islamic scholars, including Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab, on ...

Understanding Iddah (Waiting Period) and the Guidance of Islamic Scholars on Extended Travel for Religious Activities
Understanding Iddah (Waiting Period) and the Guidance of Islamic Scholars on Extended Travel for Religious Activities Introduction: In Islam, certain rules and guidelines are prescribed for the well-being and rights of individuals, including those pertaining to Iddah (the waiting period) ...

Understanding Prophet Muhammad Marriages and His Love for Khadija
Understanding Prophet Muhammad’s Marriages and His Love for Khadija Introduction: The marital life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a subject of historical and religious significance in Islam. He married multiple women during his lifetime, each marriage serving ...

Social Media in Islam: Permissibility, Purpose, and Responsibility
Social Media in Islam: Permissibility, Purpose, and Responsibility Introduction: The role of social media in contemporary society has sparked various discussions among Muslims regarding its permissibility, purpose, and potential impact. This article aims to address these questions while emphasizing the ...

The Permissibility of Surrogacy and Compensation in Islamic Jurisprudence
The Permissibility of Surrogacy and Compensation in Islamic Jurisprudence Surrogacy is a complex and debated issue within Islamic jurisprudence, involving various legal, ethical, and moral considerations. This article aims to explore the permissibility of surrogacy within the framework of Islamic ...