1. If the earning is from the ads which are haram in Islam like showing woman in ads or afs of haram things then this earning is haram

    If the earning is from the ads which are haram in Islam like showing woman in ads or afs of haram things then this earning is haram

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  2. No. fasting on Eid day is not allowed. you can fast after eid

    No. fasting on Eid day is not allowed. you can fast after eid

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  3. This answer was improved

    it depends on which typing of vloging you are doing. For example if you are doing vloging on Music festival then it is haram. If you are vloging on Halal foods then it is halal.

    it depends on which typing of vloging you are doing. For example if you are doing vloging on Music festival then it is haram. If you are vloging on Halal foods then it is halal.

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  4. No. not all Islamic Financing based on assets. It depends on mode of Islamic Finance.

    No. not all Islamic Financing based on assets. It depends on mode of Islamic Finance.

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