1. AL BARZAKH is Arabic word which means barrier between two objects or two conditions. And in Islamic theology it means the time between person's death and the day of judgment. Imam Qurtubi Narrates under the verse: ومن ورائھم برزخ إلی یوم یبعثون" (23:100)" And in front of them there is a BARZAKH (BarRead more

    AL BARZAKH is Arabic word which means barrier between two objects or two conditions.
    And in Islamic theology it means the time between person’s death and the day of judgment. Imam Qurtubi Narrates under the verse:
    ومن ورائھم برزخ إلی یوم یبعثون” (23:100)”

    And in front of them there is a BARZAKH (Barrier) till the day when they will be resurrected.
    “البرزخ ما بین الموت إلی البعث”
    BARZAKH is period of time between death and the day of resurrection.

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