1. According to various Hadiths and Islamic traditions, after the death of Imam Mahdi, a period of significant events is expected to unfold. Imam Mahdi's rule is often described as a time of unparalleled justice and peace. After his death, there might be a continuation of these conditions for some timeRead more

    According to various Hadiths and Islamic traditions, after the death of Imam Mahdi, a period of significant events is expected to unfold.

    Imam Mahdi’s rule is often described as a time of unparalleled justice and peace. After his death, there might be a continuation of these conditions for some time, sustained by his successors or followers.

    The period following Imam Mahdi’s death and the events involving Dajjal and Prophet Isa is expected to lead into the End Times. This includes the final tribulations and the eventual Day of Judgment, where all individuals will be resurrected and held accountable for their deeds.

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  2. Most Sunni Muslims reject the practice of mut'ah. They believe that although it was permitted during the time of Muhammad, it was subsequently abrogated. To Sunni Muslims, mut'ah is seen as akin to prostitution and is thus considered unacceptable under any circumstances. Conversely, most Shi'a sectsRead more

    Most Sunni Muslims reject the practice of mut’ah. They believe that although it was permitted during the time of Muhammad, it was subsequently abrogated. To Sunni Muslims, mut’ah is seen as akin to prostitution and is thus considered unacceptable under any circumstances. Conversely, most Shi’a sects do not share this interpretation of the Quran and disagree with this stance.

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  3. Qadr night is the night in which Allah subahaanahu wa Ta'la revealed Quran on the prophet. It is a very distinguished night. Allah Seth in the holy Quran that this night is better than 1000 months. On this night Angels and sacred spirits reveal and spread all over the world by the order of Allah. AlRead more

    Qadr night is the night in which Allah subahaanahu wa Ta’la revealed Quran on the prophet. It is a very distinguished night. Allah Seth in the holy Quran that this night is better than 1000 months. On this night Angels and sacred spirits reveal and spread all over the world by the order of Allah. All the night blessings and peace are bestowed by Allah upon his worshippers. The prophet sallallahu alaihi Salam said that those who pass the night  worshipping Allah doing ibadah are forgiven.

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