1. Yes, it's haram because the Quran clearly forbids women from showcasing their beauty to strangers. When women post themselves on social media, it's a clear rejection of Allah's order.

    Yes, it’s haram because the Quran clearly forbids women from showcasing their beauty to strangers. When women post themselves on social media, it’s a clear rejection of Allah’s order.

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  2. The classification of surahs into Makki and Madani is based on their place of revelation. The ones revealed in Makkah are called Makki, and the ones revealed in Madinah are called Madani. Beyond this classification, there are some differences too. Makki surahs mainly consist of themes such as TawheeRead more

    The classification of surahs into Makki and Madani is based on their place of revelation. The ones revealed in Makkah are called Makki, and the ones revealed in Madinah are called Madani. Beyond this classification, there are some differences too. Makki surahs mainly consist of themes such as Tawheed (the oneness of God), prophethood, historical contexts, and stories, while Madani surahs consist of Islamic sharia, laws, and other matters of Islam. This is the main difference between them.

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  3. This answer was improved

    ”Yes, it's permissible and recommended according to hadith and the opinions of Imams. Even though the hadith is weak, it's okay to fast on that day. The hadith says, “When it is halfway through Sha’baan, spend that night in prayer and fast on that day.”

    ”Yes, it’s permissible and recommended according to hadith and the opinions of Imams. Even though the hadith is weak, it’s okay to fast on that day. The hadith says, “When it is halfway through Sha’baan, spend that night in prayer and fast on that day.”

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  4. This answer was improved

    The worshipper must intend, when he says tasleem at the end of the prayer, that he is saying salam to his right-side followers and angels (malaika), and the second salam to his left-side followers and angels (malaika). He should also have the intention to conclude his prayer and spread peace to theRead more

    The worshipper must intend, when he says tasleem at the end of the prayer, that he is saying salam to his right-side followers and angels (malaika), and the second salam to his left-side followers and angels (malaika). He should also have the intention to conclude his prayer and spread peace to the people around him.

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  5. This answer was improved

    If the makeup prevents water from reaching the skin, then they must remove the makeup from their body; otherwise, they can perform wudu.

    If the makeup prevents water from reaching the skin, then they must remove the makeup from their body; otherwise, they can perform wudu.

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  6. This answer was improved

    Yes, it is haram. However, if you are obliged to be friends or companions with the opposite gender due to reasons such as school or the workplace, it is considered a necessity and an exception. Nevertheless, it is better to avoid this connection with the opposite gender because it is generally consiRead more

    Yes, it is haram. However, if you are obliged to be friends or companions with the opposite gender due to reasons such as school or the workplace, it is considered a necessity and an exception. Nevertheless, it is better to avoid this connection with the opposite gender because it is generally considered haram.

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  7. This answer was improved

    The meaning of "Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem" is "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful." In Islam, every good thing is begun by reciting this Quranic verse. It is a good practice in Islam, and starting any activity without it is considered incomplete because these words hold greatRead more

    The meaning of “Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem” is “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.” In Islam, every good thing is begun by reciting this Quranic verse. It is a good practice in Islam, and starting any activity without it is considered incomplete because these words hold great power according to the Islamic faith. When a Muslim starts to eat, they say “Bismillah,” and every good deed is initiated with this verse.

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  8. Yes, we should observe the situation in Gaza, Palestine because there are many lessons to learn from their lives. Look at how they hold on to their beliefs despite their difficulties. Even though they are facing attacks and the loss of their loved ones, they are not complaining to Allah. Instead, thRead more

    Yes, we should observe the situation in Gaza, Palestine because there are many lessons to learn from their lives. Look at how they hold on to their beliefs despite their difficulties. Even though they are facing attacks and the loss of their loved ones, they are not complaining to Allah. Instead, they are increasing their faith day by day. It’s a great lesson for us to follow. May Allah relieve them from their difficulties and give them their land. Ameen, Insha’Allah.

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  9. "It's not permissible in Islam for a Muslim to eat pork. If you accidentally eat pork, you should repent and, if possible, try to vomit the food. This is based on an incident involving Hasan (RA) when he ate dates from the group of zakat. The Prophet made him vomit the food, which indicates this praRead more

    “It’s not permissible in Islam for a Muslim to eat pork. If you accidentally eat pork, you should repent and, if possible, try to vomit the food. This is based on an incident involving Hasan (RA) when he ate dates from the group of zakat. The Prophet made him vomit the food, which indicates this practice. The hadith states: ‘Hasan took some dates from the dates of charity and placed them in his mouth. Rasulullah (salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) instructed him to take them out of his mouth and said, “Do you not know, we the Ahlul Bayt do not eat of charity?”

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  10. Shaving the head, or **halq**, is not obligatory for Umrah, but it is one of the recommended acts for men upon completing the pilgrimage rituals. Men have the option to either shave their heads completely (halq) or to cut their hair short (taqsir). Women, on the other hand, are only required to trimRead more

    Shaving the head, or **halq**, is not obligatory for Umrah, but it is one of the recommended acts for men upon completing the pilgrimage rituals. Men have the option to either shave their heads completely (halq) or to cut their hair short (taqsir). Women, on the other hand, are only required to trim a small portion of their hair, typically a fingertip’s length.

    Both halq and taqsir are acts of devotion and a symbolic gesture of renewal and humility before Allah. While shaving the head is considered more virtuous, cutting the hair short is also acceptable and fulfills the requirement for completing the Umrah rituals.

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