1. 1. The meaning of tithe is: The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, declared two types of tithe land. In one, it is obligatory to pay tithe, i.e. tenth part of the produce, and in the other, to pay half-usher, i.e. the twentieth part of the produce. It is obligatory, but in the term oRead more

    1. The meaning of tithe is: The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, declared two types of tithe land. In one, it is obligatory to pay tithe, i.e. tenth part of the produce, and in the other, to pay half-usher, i.e. the twentieth part of the produce. It is obligatory, but in the term of jurists, both types of zakat are defined as tithes. Now, if the land is rainy or irrigated with rainwater, then it is obligatory to give ushar, i.e. tenth, of the produce to the poor. , and if he irrigates the land himself, it is obligatory to give one-twentieth of its produce in charity.

    Also, according to Imam Abu Hanifah, the amount of tithing is not fixed, but regardless of the production, i.e. less or more, it is obligatory to take out the tithe in every situation, because the words of the Qur’an and Hadith are general about the tithe.

    2. Tribute refers to the tax imposed on lands by the Islamic government. There are different forms of tribute lands, for example, Muslims conquered the land of the infidels and gave it back to the people there as a favor, or gave it to other infidels, or that country for reconciliation. or the dhimmi bought tithe land from the Muslim, or the tributary land was bought by the Muslim, or the dhimmi settled the barren land by the order of the King of Islam, or the barren land was given to the dhimmi, or it was settled by the Muslim. , and it was near kharaj land or irrigated with kharaj water, in all these cases kharaj will be paid on the said lands, and these lands will be called kharaj lands.

    3. It is permissible for any country and state to run domestic administrative affairs, to help the needy, to build roads, bridges and educational institutions, to manage major canals, to manage border security, to train soldiers and civil servants, and in all other respects. To meet the expenses, resources are needed and to meet these resources, a coordinated system of Baitul-Mal was established during the blessed era of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and the bright era after them, and various types of wealth were collected in it. were done, for example:

    a. “Khums-e-Ghanaim” means the wealth obtained from the infidels through war, after dividing four parts of it among the Mujahideen, the remaining fifth part.

    b. Mal-i-fiyyah means the wealth that is obtained without any armed struggle.

    c. “Khums-i-Maa’dan” means one-fifth of the items that come out of different kinds of mines.

    d. “Khums-e-Raqaz” means the fifth part of the ancient treasure recovered from a land.

    e. The tribute received from the lands of the non-Muslims and their jizya and the commercial taxes received from them and the property acquired amicably from the non-Muslims with their consent.

    f. “Dawa’i” i.e. property without heirs, inheritance of a person who is bequeathed etc.

    But in today’s era, when these means and resources have disappeared, a tax system was established to meet the needs and expenses; Because if the government does not collect taxes, the whole system of the welfare state will be in danger. However, there is no doubt that there are many defects in the prevailing tax system, the most important of which is that the tax rate is sometimes unfair and cruel. That after collection, the tax is spent in extravagance and non-consumption, but nevertheless there are many legitimate uses of tax; Therefore, for the purpose of running the affairs of the state, there is scope for the government to collect taxes according to the need and keeping in view the status of the subjects.

    As detailed above, if the legitimate expenditure of the government is not met from other sources of income, the government will be allowed to levy taxes to meet its expenditure under certain conditions:

    1. Taxes should be levied as much as necessary.
    2. Be tolerable to people.
    3. The method of recovery should be appropriate.
    4. Tax money should be spent on the real needs and interests of the nation.

    A tax that does not take into account the above conditions, then such a tax is not permissible for the government, and there is a promise in the hadiths about those who take such a tax. Only God knows۔۔

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  2. Imams, commentators and lexicographers disagree about this word (Qur'an). Some say that it is a non-derivative name of knowledge and is reserved for the word of Allah, so it is not Mahmuz. It is derived from the meaning of the plural like: Qur'an Al-His-Bal-Shi, but according to Rajh's view, the QurRead more

    Imams, commentators and lexicographers disagree about this word (Qur’an). Some say that it is a non-derivative name of knowledge and is reserved for the word of Allah, so it is not Mahmuz. It is derived from the meaning of the plural like: Qur’an Al-His-Bal-Shi, but according to Rajh’s view, the Qur’an originally came from Qara Yaqarabab Fatah, which literally means “to read”, and the term meaning is “the word of Allah, the Exalted”. Muhammad was revealed to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was written in the Musahifs, and has been transmitted from him without any doubt.”
    Reference In Arabic…

    قرأ”: تأتي بمعنى الجمع والضم، والقراءة: ضم الحروف والكلمات بعضها إلى بعض في الترتيل، والقرآن في الأصل كالقراءة: مصدر قرأ قراءة وقرآنًا. قال تعالى: {إنَّ عَلَيْنَا جَمْعَهُ وقَرُآنَهُ، فَإِذَا قَرَأْنَاهُ فَاتَّبِعْ قُرْآنَهُ} أي قراءته، فهو مصدر على وزن “فُعلان” بالضم”.
    (‌‌تعريف القرآن، ص15، ط:مكتبة المعارف)

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