1. Yes, it is allowed during Ramadan. It can be said that, it is not included at the food category. If it is a food then it will be the cause of breaking Fast.

    Yes, it is allowed during Ramadan. It can be said that, it is not included at the food category. If it is a food then it will be the cause of breaking Fast.

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  2. According to the Quran, Islam is the only complete code of life. Other religion was made by the man.

    According to the Quran, Islam is the only complete code of life. Other religion was made by the man.

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  3. The meaning of La Ilaha Illah is that: There is no Ilah (God) without Allah and Muhammmad (SM) is the Messanger and Rasul of Him.

    The meaning of La Ilaha Illah is that: There is no Ilah (God) without Allah and Muhammmad (SM) is the Messanger and Rasul of Him.

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  4. Yes. For the cause of wet dreams it would be must to do Farz Gushal for both man and women.

    Yes. For the cause of wet dreams it would be must to do Farz Gushal for both man and women.

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  5. Yes. The five prayers name mentioned in the Quran. We know it from the Surah Ar-Room, Ayat:17.

    Yes. The five prayers name mentioned in the Quran. We know it from the Surah Ar-Room, Ayat:17.

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  6. Yes. It breaks Wudu. If it is from bladders it is pure, but it breaks Wudu.

    Yes. It breaks Wudu. If it is from bladders it is pure, but it breaks Wudu.

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  7. LGBT issue is a curse for humanity. It has a black history according to the Islam. In Islam it is haram to intercourse between two man in the back side. The Qawm of Lut (AS) was destroyed for this. Dead Sea is a historical evidence regarding this issue.

    LGBT issue is a curse for humanity. It has a black history according to the Islam. In Islam it is haram to intercourse between two man in the back side. The Qawm of Lut (AS) was destroyed for this. Dead Sea is a historical evidence regarding this issue.

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  8. Yes. Beer  and other intoxicants are completely Haram in Islam.

    Yes. Beer  and other intoxicants are completely Haram in Islam.

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