1. Yes it is .As Allah has mentioned in Sura Al Maaida that any haram meat is forbidden.

    Yes it is .As Allah has mentioned in Sura Al Maaida that any haram meat is forbidden.

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  2. Not at all.its a disease n can be cured

    Not at all.its a disease n can be cured

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  3. If a woman has some disease n doctor suggests her to cut her hair then she can cut them as short as needed.

    If a woman has some disease n doctor suggests her to cut her hair then she can cut them as short as needed.

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  4. یھدیکم اللہ و یصلح بالکم

    یھدیکم اللہ و یصلح بالکم

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  5. Its Allah's commandment so muslimahs cover themselves.

    Its Allah’s commandment so muslimahs cover themselves.

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  6. A picture of living things hanging on wall.And dog

    A picture of living things hanging on wall.And dog

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  7. Authentic ahadith tell us that no picture, of a living thing, should be hanged on walls .As angels dont enter the home where there is picture hanging on a wall or a dog is present.

    Authentic ahadith tell us that no picture, of a living thing, should be hanged on walls .As angels dont enter the home where there is picture hanging on a wall or a dog is present.

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  8. Yes a traveller can combine two prayers in advance or he can delay them too.like he can pray asar with Duhar.or he can pray Maghrib with Isha.it is called Taqdeem n Takheer.Its permissible to do this.

    Yes a traveller can combine two prayers in advance or he can delay them too.like he can pray asar with Duhar.or he can pray Maghrib with Isha.it is called Taqdeem n Takheer.Its permissible to do this.

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  9. Yes it is possible.As Allah has told us in Quranthat He ll forgive the ones who repent no matter what they have committed.

    Yes it is possible.As Allah has told us in Quranthat He ll forgive the ones who repent no matter what they have committed.

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  10. Not any more.It was permissibke in prophet's era but after islamic state was established it was valid no more.

    Not any more.It was permissibke in prophet’s era but after islamic state was established it was valid no more.

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