1. According to most appreciated opinion, 313 companions participated in the battle of Badr.

    According to most appreciated opinion, 313 companions participated in the battle of Badr.

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  2. It's called "Shahada" stated as, "ash ha du Allah illaha illalahu wahda hu la sharik ala wa ash hadu Anna Muhammadun abduhu wa rasuluh." In it a person admits that there is no God other than Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is the prophet and servant of Allah.

    It’s called “Shahada” stated as, “ash ha du Allah illaha illalahu wahda hu la sharik ala wa ash hadu Anna Muhammadun abduhu wa rasuluh.”

    In it a person admits that there is no God other than Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is the prophet and servant of Allah.

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  3. فجر کی نماز میں "الصلاۃ خیر من النوم" (ترجمہ : نماز نیند سے بہتر ہے۔) کا اضافی کیا گیا ہے۔

    فجر کی نماز میں “الصلاۃ خیر من النوم” (ترجمہ : نماز نیند سے بہتر ہے۔) کا اضافی کیا گیا ہے۔

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