1. Ramadan mubarak means, 'may you have a blessed ramadan'. Ramadan kareem means, 'may you have a generous ramadan'.

    Ramadan mubarak means, ‘may you have a blessed ramadan’.

    Ramadan kareem means, ‘may you have a generous ramadan’.

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  2. Yes, there is a difference between the two. InshaAllah is used in the reference of an action or an event in the future. Whereas, bi'ithnllah is used in the reference or an action or an event in the past, prsent or future.

    Yes, there is a difference between the two.

    InshaAllah is used in the reference of an action or an event in the future.

    Whereas, bi’ithnllah is used in the reference or an action or an event in the past, prsent or future.

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  3. قرآن مجید میں 114 سورتیں ہیں  قرآن مجید  میں 558 رکوع ہیں

    قرآن مجید میں 114 سورتیں ہیں 

    قرآن مجید  میں 558 رکوع ہیں

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  4. Life insurance is Halal in Islam only in the form of takaful. In takaful, the organization acts as the trustee of funds and the risk is mutually shared between the participants. It is Riba free because the investments are shariah complaint assets and terms of conditions are shariah monitored.

    Life insurance is Halal in Islam only in the form of takaful. In takaful, the organization acts as the trustee of funds and the risk is mutually shared between the participants. It is Riba free because the investments are shariah complaint assets and terms of conditions are shariah monitored.

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  5. InshaAllah means 'if Allah has willed'. It is used for any event in future. MashaAllah means' Allah has willed it'. It is used for the event just happened.

    InshaAllah means ‘if Allah has willed’. It is used for any event in future.

    MashaAllah means’ Allah has willed it’. It is used for the event just happened.

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  6. Life insurance is Halal in Islam only in the form of takaful. In takaful, the organization acts as the trustee of funds and the risk is mutually shared between the participants. It is Riba free because the investments are shariah complaint assets and terms of conditions are shariah monitored.

    Life insurance is Halal in Islam only in the form of takaful. In takaful, the organization acts as the trustee of funds and the risk is mutually shared between the participants. It is Riba free because the investments are shariah complaint assets and terms of conditions are shariah monitored.

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  7. حضرت ابوبکر بکر راضی اللہ عنہ کا اپنا نام عبداللہ تھا۔

    حضرت ابوبکر بکر راضی اللہ عنہ کا اپنا نام عبداللہ تھا۔

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  8. یثرب تھا پہلا نام مدینہ کا

    یثرب تھا پہلا نام مدینہ کا

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