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  1. In Sharia, there are certain etiquettes to be observed during intercourse, such as: only exposing the necessary parts of the body, not looking directly at the private parts, not being completely naked like animals, and avoiding acts like one spouse kissing the other's private parts. Such acts are coRead more

    In Sharia, there are certain etiquettes to be observed during intercourse, such as: only exposing the necessary parts of the body, not looking directly at the private parts, not being completely naked like animals, and avoiding acts like one spouse kissing the other’s private parts. Such acts are considered inappropriate, as the tongue used for mentioning Allah should not be used for kissing the private parts. Additionally, such behavior is likened to that of animals, hence a Muslim should avoid it. However, if someone, driven by overwhelming desire, engages in such an act, and there is no impurity on the private parts, it is not deemed impermissible or haram.

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  1. Seeking knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim. As a Muslim the primary knowledge he should seek is about Allah and his Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). A Muslim should start from the basic understandings of Islam including Allah, His Prophets, His Books, His Malaika and his Qadr. Learning the fundamentalRead more

    Seeking knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim. As a Muslim the primary knowledge he should seek is about Allah and his Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). A Muslim should start from the basic understandings of Islam including Allah, His Prophets, His Books, His Malaika and his Qadr. Learning the fundamental practices and its methods are obligatory, Learn the method of Salah, Zakat, Fasting. A Muslim is required to learn reading Arabic for reading Quran.

    These are the fundamental learnings a Muslim should acquire in perspective of religion. Later, Islam promotes collecting the knowledges as much as possible, both material knowledge and spiritual knowledge which is also rewarded by Allah hereafter.

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  1. According to Islamic principles there is no discrimination between the tall or short, white or black and whatever is the material characteristics that differs. Allah look directly into your heart and the deeds you do. Allah said in Holy Quran: "O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a feRead more

    According to Islamic principles there is no discrimination between the tall or short, white or black and whatever is the material characteristics that differs. Allah look directly into your heart and the deeds you do. Allah said in Holy Quran: “O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware.”

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  1. According to Quran the person who believe on Allah and accept his prophet Muhammad Mustafa sallaho Ali hi WA salam as his  last messenger and accept the basic of Islam and didn't deny any nessary message of Islam he is eligible for jannah.

    According to Quran the person who believe on Allah and accept his prophet Muhammad Mustafa sallaho Ali hi WA salam as his  last messenger and accept the basic of Islam and didn’t deny any nessary message of Islam he is eligible for jannah.

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