In any way the blood comes during the menstrual period, it will be called menstruation, similarly, when the spot appears for the first time during the menstrual period and the spot continues to appear at intervals, then the entire days of habit will be counted as impurity days and those who If thereRead more
In any way the blood comes during the menstrual period, it will be called menstruation, similarly, when the spot appears for the first time during the menstrual period and the spot continues to appear at intervals, then the entire days of habit will be counted as impurity days and those who If there is more than that, it will be the blood of disease, in it, prayer and fasting are not excused.
Then it will be seen whether you can differentiate between menstrual blood and disease blood or not. Or illness will be decreed, and if it is impossible to distinguish between the two and the illness is permanent, ten days of each month will be counted as menstruation and the remaining days will be counted as illness. Only God knows.
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It is Sunnah to recite Tasbeeh (Subhaan Rabbi al azim) at least three times while prostrating in prayer, the middle level is to recite it five times and the highest level is to recite it seven times. However, reciting the Tasbih less than three times will not fulfill the Sunnah, rather the prayer wRead more
It is Sunnah to recite Tasbeeh (Subhaan Rabbi al azim) at least three times while prostrating in prayer, the middle level is to recite it five times and the highest level is to recite it seven times. However, reciting the Tasbih less than three times will not fulfill the Sunnah, rather the prayer will be Makruh.
Any amount of reading more than three is permissible and due to excess, there is reward , however, it should end with an odd number (3, 5, 7, 9, etc.).
There is an order for the imam to reduce the duties and offer a light prayer, so the imam should respect the worshipers and not recite such long tasbihs in the bowing and prostration that it burdens the worshipers and makes them angry.
The jurists have written that it is better for the imam to recite tasbihat five times while bowing and prostrating; So that the devotees get the opportunity to read the Tasbih at least three times with satisfaction.
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