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  1. Asma Issa
    Best Answer
    Asma Issa Islamic Scholar Certified in Quranic and Hadith studies

    Yes, zina is a major sin in Islam. According to the Quran, Zina, alcohol, and gambling, are major sins. Zina is the most serious sin in Islam compared to other sins. I am explaining more about why Zina is a big sin reasons and references for Is zina a major sin. Three Reasons for Zina is Major Sin ZRead more

    Yes, zina is a major sin in Islam. According to the Quran, Zina, alcohol, and gambling, are major sins. Zina is the most serious sin in Islam compared to other sins. I am explaining more about why Zina is a big sin reasons and references for Is zina a major sin.

    Three Reasons for Zina is Major Sin

    1. Zina is against Allah Command.
    2. Zina is against personal dignity and honor
    3. Zina has a very negative social impact on family relatives and society.

    Reference from the Quran and Hadith

    Quran: These are two main references from the Quran about the Zina. First, Al-Isra 17:32 and, second Al-Furqan 25:68.

    Hadith: No adulterer is a believer at the time when he is committing adultery, no thief is a believer at the time when he is stealing, no drinker of alchol is a believer at the time when he is drinking. (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

    Islamic Legal Consequences

    In Islamic law, the punishment for Zina is the most severe compared to other sins. Islamic law, defines two different punishments for a single person are different and for a married person are different. The punishment for a married person who is committing Zina should be stoned to death, while for an unmarried person, it is 100 lashes and exile for one year.

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  1. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    If semen discharges from the private part of a woman due to wet dreams, then shower will be obligatory. If only the dream is seen and semen does not come out, then shower is not required. 'والمعاني الموجبة للغسل إنزال المني على وجه الدفق والشهوة من الرجل والمرأة حالة النوم واليقظة." Al hedaya (The BRead more

    If semen discharges from the private part of a woman due to wet dreams, then shower will be obligatory. If only the dream is seen and semen does not come out, then shower is not required.

    ‘والمعاني الموجبة للغسل إنزال المني على وجه الدفق والشهوة من الرجل والمرأة حالة النوم واليقظة.”
    Al hedaya (The Book of Purity, chapter on washing, vol. 1, p. 31, edition: Rahmaniyah Library
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  1. Zubair Khan
    Zubair Khan Islamic Scholar Specialist in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

    If you have Wet dreams while you are fasting, there will be no harm in fasting. Because it is not voluntary or under control. In this case, the fast should be completed naturally. No Qaza or Kaffara will be required. But bathing will be obligatory. Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) said, Rasulullah (S.A.W.) sRead more

    If you have Wet dreams while you are fasting, there will be no harm in fasting. Because it is not voluntary or under control. In this case, the fast should be completed naturally. No Qaza or Kaffara will be required. But bathing will be obligatory.

    Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) said, Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said, “Three things do not break the fast – vomiting, snoring and dreaming.”  (Bayhaqi, Shuabul Iman, 4/264; Addurrul Mukhtar: 2/396)

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