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  1. The belief in the “evil eye” is a superstition that is found in many cultures around the world. It is said to be caused by a person giving a malicious glare or look that can cause harm, bad luck or even death to the person on whom the gaze is fixed. There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that the evil eye can affect a person, and its effects are considered to be purely psychological or superstitious. In any case, it is considered a belief and it’s effects vary from person to person and culture to culture.

  2. 1. Lack of Concentration/Inability to Focus

    The evil eye may be the underlying cause of a personโ€™s lack of concentration or inability to focus on tasks at hand. It can also leave them feeling distracted, absent minded, and easily forgetful. People experiencing these effects often feel like they canโ€™t quite think clearly and are constantly daydreaming which makes it even harder to stay productive.

    2. Misfortune/Unfortunate Events

    The Evil Eye has lasting impacts that bring misfortune and unfortunate events such as recurring health issues, financial instability, and problems in relationships. These mishaps occur because people tend to become magnetized toward bad luck. When the negative energy from the malicious stare passes through them.

    3. Feeling Drained/Lethargic

    It is also common for those unknowingly cursed with an evil eye to feel utterly drained both mentally and physically. As they try to go on with their day as usual, resulting in insomnia, fatigue, or just an overall feeling of lethargy that makes it hard to get up in the morning or find motivation throughout the day.

    4. Negativity/Depression

    One of the worst outcomes associated with having an evil eye directed at oneself is its tendency to cause negativity, and depression. Due to its strictly negative nature energy passing onto the effected person, it is directed at creating a sense of gloom on them. Regardless how positive their mindset was prior to being affected by it.

    5. Anxiety/Panic Attacks:

    If someone is dealing with evil eye might experience anxiety attacks or panic with other symptoms like nausea, dizziness, delusions, and headache. There may some other more serious outcomes cause by Evil Eye.

    6. Bad Luck:

    Being inflicted by the evil eye remove any chances for a person from unlocking good fortune. If evil eye has not been removed on time it may hurt career.